
Responses from otinkyad

Anyone compared GoldenEar Triton 7 with Triton Reference?
jackd, thanks for the additional information.  If I were thinking about Spatial, I think I would be looking at the M3 Triode Masters that you have, rather than the X-2s (because I'd be uncomfortable purchasing $10K speakers without having listened... 
Anyone compared GoldenEar Triton 7 with Triton Reference?
Thanks to all for the additional comments.stereo5, the information about room sizes and your comparison of T1 and TRef was helpful, thanks.  I'm still puzzled by my impressions from my side-by-side T7 vs TRef comparisons at each of 2 dealers, espe... 
Anyone compared GoldenEar Triton 7 with Triton Reference?
mlsstl, sorry for the misspellings above! 
Anyone compared GoldenEar Triton 7 with Triton Reference?
Hello all -- thanks for the many interesting perspectives.helomech, and kosst_amojan, thanks for your thoughts on the comparison with Revel/MA, and on the GE range.ieales, thanks for the continued input.  One thought I did have: I think your persp... 
Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers
@ieales -- Thanks for the thoughts about my room setup.  But I'd also be very interested in your thoughts about the comparison between T Refs and 7s in a less problematic setting, as it seems you may have auditioned both in typical dealer listenin... 
Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers
@ieales -- Thanks for responding. As I said, my knowledge about high-end is quite limited, so you may already have identified some things that I can tinker with about my current setup to improve it. To clarify, what I have currently are the GE Tri... 
Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers
Skyscraper, thank you for your very detailed reply. This is *extremely* helpful information -- thanks again!  I may pick your brains with additional queries down the road, and hopefully you or others will be able to reply when you can.  Happy list... 
Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers
skyscraper,I'm in a similar situation to yours when you started this thread (looking to upgrade speakers with a max $10K budget), and so have followed your journey with great interest and have learned a great deal from all the discussions, especia...