

Responses from oregonpapa

Do posters intend to hurt the feelings of other members?
Elizabeth ...I must have missed something. Who is attacking and insulting whom in the forum you mentioned? Frank 
Dealer Behavior
I think that with the advent of the Internet, and the online sales derived from it, the weak, non-customer oriented dealers have gone out of business, and the good ones are surviving. This applies to all retail sales companies. It certainly applie... 
Dealer Behavior
Ask the audio dealer what business he is in, and most likely they will look at you askance and say: "Why the audio business, of course." The fact is, they are not in the audio business. They are in the people business. Ask them who their boss is, ... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
A mind slammed shut is a very sad thing to see.Frank 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
 Elizabeth ...All we can do is give you information. We can't give you understanding. Here .... this one is for you ...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9v9tIMh5CQ Frank 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
oldtech0 sez ... "Frank is your real name Benny?"Nope. Benny was a con-man. He belonged in jail.Here’s how I lived my life, formed my attitude toward life and built any successes I’ve attained. As I enter the twilight of my life, I look forward up... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
+1 sbayne ...  :-) 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Elizabeth ...With all due respect, you’re mistaking enthusiasm for "fake praise," and "fake love." No one in this entire lengthy thread ever made the assertion of "perfection." Perfection would only be attained with live musicians in the room. On ... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
oldtech0sez ..."That is Captain America to you Frank. Advice??"Nope, I believe you suffer from delusions of grandeur and see yourself as Capitan America. You know, the saintly chap with the superior intellect, garnered at a college that sets you a... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
^^^Ah, and once again, The One who sees himself as Captian America, with the patriotic duty of skipping from an audio site to audio site, in an effort to save the Great Unwashed from blowing their money on scams and snake oil. Keep up the comedy r... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
This is devolving into a bunch of insults. Not necessary.Oldtech ... what is your intent here? I'm beginning to think you may be a friend of a competitor, or perhaps the competitor himself.  You wouldn't happen to be making magic plug-in devices b... 
Audio Critic 10 lies>>>>>>>>>>
^^^And putting too much wine in the pasta sauce. :-)Frank 
Your ship just came in! time to buy new gear..?
56K? ... I wouldn't spend it on audio equipment that's for sure. My system suits me just fine as it is. Frank 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
oldtech0 Your diatribes seem familiar to me. Were you posting earlier, say a year ago, under a different handle? Just wondering ...Frank 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
+1 for uberwaltz.