

Responses from oregonpapa

Something For The Fuse Guys ...
pragmasi ...Thanks for your interesting response To answer your question ... I know of no manufacturer that uses boutique fuses in their finished products. There's a price point to this. It is no secret that a dealer pays 50% to 60% of the end ret... 
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
pragmasi ..."... just select the right ratings and take a few sensible precautions."Agreed, pragmasi ... but what prompted me to ask the question was this statement you made:"...(other than you shouldn't expect the audio performance to change at... 
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
pragmasi ....  There's no reason not to experiment with fuse types (other than you shouldn't expect the audio performance to change at all) Just curious, pragmasi ... have you tried any of the after-market fuses in your system? Frank 
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
^^^ Is there anyone left on the planet that doesn't know to unplug their equipment before working on it? How many of us learned not to stick our fingers into an unused wall outlet by the age of two? 
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
georgehifi ...If you were to become a more astute observer, and stow your animosity for a time, you would know that I have started threads on a multitude of products. Did you read my threads on Audio Research products? How about Herbie’s products,... 
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
  georgehifi ...Uhh, George ... Most audio equipment has a fuse holder on the outside rear of the unit. It is a simple operation to release the holder, remove the old fuse, install the new fuse, then replace the holder. It certainly doesn't requi... 
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
georgehifi ...“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”  ___  Nikola Tesla “If your hate could be turned into electricity, it would l... 
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
uberwaltz ... +1I’ve been on this planet much longer than most. Grew up as a street kid and got knocked around a lot. Had my first full-time job when I was twelve. These experiences, plus fifty years in a commissioned sales career, gave me the abi... 
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
^^^Georgie-Porgie sez ..."And give the SR Orange fuses voodoo a rest, you have your other thread closed, you now want this done too?""Is this for real or are you taking the piss?" "Or is Stop-it’s, another new SR product you insert in your ear to... 
Herbie’s Super Black Hole CD Mat - Wow!
hifiman5 ...It's the "Super Black Hole CD Mat. I'll be trying it out in about an hour or so. I haven't tried it for a couple of years now, and that was long before the majority of the latest tweaks were installed. Frank 
Herbie’s Super Black Hole CD Mat - Wow!
I have the small Herbie's Black Hole mat. It was Herbie's latest mat at the time.  It has never come off during play. I'll try it again tonight and report back tomorrow. Frank 
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
fleschler ...The uncured "Stop It" receptacle plugs sounded really bad. Lost most of the mid-bass and some of the lower bass. They finally came around at about three weeks.  The cured ones that you'll be receiving will make a nice improvement to y... 
Herbie’s Super Black Hole CD Mat - Wow!
Mkgus ...After getting really excellent results from Herbie's tube dampeners, I decided to try the Black Hole. I heard no difference. I set the Black Hole aside and haven't used it for a couple of years. Now that the system is tweaked to the nines... 
The Synergistic Research Orange Fuse ... Further thoughts.
  millercarbon ... +1Two appropriate Nikola Tesla quotes:  "If hatred was electricity, they could light the world."    "I'm not disappointed that they stole my ideas ... I'm disappointed that they have no ideas of their own." ---------------------... 
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
geoffkait ... This explains why cleaning or using contact enhancer on the refrigerator power plug is audible. Duh! I pasted my refrigerator plug with TC. Same with the TV. And any unused outlets have a "Stop It" inserted into it.  wolf_garcia .....