

Responses from oregonpapa

Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
millercarbon ..."Frank, you are too kind. He is the one, probably just about the only one, I would have to disinvite." Not me. I’d love to have the guy over for a listening session. Within the first few notes, he would have a look on his face as t... 
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
docknow ... "Sounds like Randy's system gave oregonpapa a glimpse of what is possible and therefore what he should strive for."That's exactly it. When I heard Randy's demo, it had the most three dimensional, and most realistic presentation I had e... 
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
audio2design ..."If the best sound you have ever heard was at an audio show, then I don't see how I can take any of your personal listening experiences seriously. There is one thing listening rooms at trade shows all have in common. They sound bad... 
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
millercarbon ...The only non-PPT enhanced system I've ever heard that came close to the kind of realism we are getting was Randy Cooley's room (Optimal Enchantment) at one of the audio shows. Randy always plays tasteful music during his demonstrat... 
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
My Legacy Signature IIIs have every available surface area covered in PPT Mats. Yep, it looks weird, but the improvement in sound was really significant and well worth the effort. I listen in a low-light environment, so the mats on the speakers do... 
Back to vinyl need phono stage help!
What to do with a collection of sealed audiophile vinyl? MFSL Telarc Sheffield Nautilus
I've been selling albums for a friend on eBay. Sealed copies are in demand. Throw them on eBay, selling them individually, with a starting price of, say $100 or so, and let the bidding begin. You may be shocked at the results. Frank 
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
Here's some information that may be helpful:http://tweakaudio.com/EVS-2/Perfect_Path_Technologies.html http://v2.stereotimes.com/post/perfectpath-technlogies-total-contact/ Frank 
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
"You have these right papa? ... Go get one, the mat, and look at the surface. Quite obviously that came off a real production line, and not someone’s basement shop. How do you think these things are manufactured?"Do you read the posts of others, o... 
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
audio2design ...Again, when it came to the mats, there was no pouring of anything into a mold.One can pick up a pretty darned good education just from reading books, and then applying the knowledge learned from the research. As I said, 15 years ... 
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
audio2design ... Why do you continue with the " roll extrude or mold an EMI mat" nonsense. Did you read my above post? There was no rolling, extruding, or molding involved. And Tim Mrock was no neophyte. While his hobby was audio, his products ... 
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
djones51 ... "Just use some refrigerator magnets."And the results will be exactly nothing. Frank    
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
mooncrikit ...I don’t think there is anyone posting here who has more PPT mats in their system than I do. I have both the original mats and the "Plus" mats.The difference between the original PPT mats and the PPT "Plus" mats are exactly what MC sa... 
What genre tends to be recorded in the most satisfying fashion?
Some of the early jazz records are amazing. Check out the Contemporary label for stereo and some of the Savoy recordings for mono. 
Perfect Path Tecnologies ‘The Gate’
I have a spare Gate that I am not using at the moment. I found one to be sufficient on the main panel along with the Omega emats. If anyone is interested, please PM me. ^^^ Someone should jump on that one for sure.