

Responses from oregonpapa

Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
^^^ j_damon ...Its a custom belt built by Origin Live in the UK. Very smooth transaction and it was a solid improvement for my Well Tempered table. Here’s their site: www.originlive.comHere's a review of their turntable with an excellent picture o... 
For cassette enthusiasts - How to color cassettes
If you paint them all black, don't forget the pearls.  
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
So, with some recent upgrades I haven't been able to tear myself away from the audio system. Therefore the absence from the forum and this thread.Do any of you like Harry Connick Jr.?  I have five of  his recordings on CD and every one of them put... 
Looking at upgrading to a new MC cartridge any thoughts?
Save your money. Get an Audio Technica ART-9 ... and then forget about cartridges. http://www.lptunes.com/Audio-technica-AT-ART9-MC-phono-cartridge-p/atart09.htmFrank 
Esoteric K07 + Audio Research Dac 9 = Audio Research Cd 9
I've been through most of ARC's CD players from the CD-3 on, and have been using my CD-7 since it was new. I sent it back to the factory for the power supply upgrade (highly recommended) bringing it up to CD-7se specs. I replaced the stock fuses w... 
Hearing is believing?........power cables.......
If upgraded power cords don’t make a difference, how come Mel Torme was standing between my speakers this evening? If an aftermarket power cord improves the sound, it doesn't mean the electronics are inferior.  One hasn’t changed the electronics, ... 
Absolute Sound - do we really need another review like this?
I've been a Stereophile subscriber since the J. Gordon Holt days. Same with TAS. I've been tempted to not renew my subscription to Stereophile though. A couple of the reviewers almost never miss an opportunity to include some snarky left wing poli... 
Audiophile fuses - Synergistic Black fuses vs the còmpetition
I'm  hoping to meet  "ptss" in person one day so that I can thank him face to face for the "kindness" he showed toward me in the other SR fuse thread.Mapman ...I thought you fell off the face of the earth. Nice to see that all is well and that you... 
AudioTechnica ART 9 users - break in, VTF/VTA and loading questions
I've been running my ART-9 for about two years now. Once broken in (100-200 hours) I stopped thinking about the cartridge all together.  It never calls attention to itself. It just plays music in a very refined and natural way leaving the listener... 
Class D = Trash?
I've heard Dusty's (Chanel Islands Audio) mono blocks a few times and was impressed by the sound. Very dynamic and musical. Most impressive was the power to weight and cost ration. Very affordable. http://www.ciaudio.com/Not my cup of tea, as I mu... 
Synergestic Research: SCAM
Last year at the show in Irvine, SR gave their demo in the largest room at the show. They had all of their goodies hooked up when the demo started. What I heard was a wall to wall Imax type of Cinerama sound. When the SR demo pieces were removed f... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Wofie sez:"Contact enhancer assumes that the contact needs enhancing, which is very likely not the case if the contacts are clean." Most of us know that metal connections oxidize over time. Most of us also have experienced the improvement in sound... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
^^^ Thanks Charles.Pierre gets the recordings right. Do you like bluegrass? This one puts the musicians right there in the room with you:http://mapleshaderecords.com/cds/08952.php 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
^^^ Okay wolfie ... if you keep knocking something you haven't heard, the Graphene fairy will come to your house and spew reality all over your sound system, in which case you will not be able to tear yourself loose from your listening chair. You ... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
^^^ As I understand it, in addition to eliminating micro arcing, Graphene lowers resistance to the point of almost nothing.