

Responses from oregonpapa

What’s wrong with Diana Krall?
shadorne sez ..."I don’t understand DK adoration even on her very best day. Like Michael Buble - I just don’t get it."You’re not alone, shadorne. I have audiophile friends who are really true music lovers who will not listen to Diana Krall. Like y... 
Which SR Blue or black Fuse
It's very curious that some are in denial without ever trying the fuses for themselves. For those who have, and have found no benefit, I'm beginning to think they are listening for the wrong things, or at least different things than those who clea... 
Cleanest CD recording to test with
jafant Thanks for recommending Jamie Cullum. I checked it out on Spotify and just ordered it off of Ebay. Nice. $3.19 w/free shipping. :-)Frank 
Your Favorite Holiday Album
+1 for ilikemiles' suggestion on Corelli.  
What’s wrong with Diana Krall?
I have most of DK’s recordings including a couple of bootlegs. One was a live performance at a New Years Eve party, and the other one was live also, but I think she had the flu. She kept coughing throughout the performance. I believe both were rec... 
What are fuses used for?
Nope, it's not BS. I think its more system dependent than anything. What I'm finding through conversations with other members is that some tweaks, like those wall socket plug-in thingies (I forgot the name of them again), counteract other tweaks. ... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Hmm ... "The Perfect Path" leading us to "The Gate." I predict that the next Tim Mrock innovation in tweaks will be titled "Heaven." Personally, I can hardly wait. :-)Frank 
What are fuses used for?
Interesting how the majority of those who have upgraded to the SR Blue fuses hear a pronounced improvement in their systems, and how few hear nothing or just a slight improvement. What explains this? Frank 
Which SR Blue or black Fuse
Greg sez ;;;@At_Three_Paymentshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLlv_aZjHXcThanks. That was hilarious. :-)An accurate portrayal on how we used to do it before the advent of social media.Frank  
Which SR Blue or black Fuse
Georgie-Porgie sez:"Coming from a "impartial poster" who’s highest percentage of post are to do with Synergistic Research products more, higher than any other product he’s posted about. How are the SR share going Frank???"Ha, a glutton for punishm... 
Which SR Blue or black Fuse
David Pritchard is always the reasonable gentleman on these tweak threads. Thank you, David. :-)Frank  
Which SR Blue or black Fuse
kosst_amojan You sound like a really smart guy. Question: Considering that Synergistic Research offers a 30 day, money back guarantee on their Blue fuses, wouldn't it be prudent for you to order a fuse/fuses for your amp and/or other pieces of g... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Every time I think my system is "fully optimized" it gets more optimized by another tweak ... especially with TC and the Omega E Mats. Example: I've had two E Mats in my outside circuit breaker box for a long time now. I had completely forgotten a... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Amazing. More innovations from the fertile mind of Tim Mrock. :-)Frank 
Which SR Blue or black Fuse
"They will have to take my SR Blue fuses from my cold dead hands." ___ Clint Eastwood.