
Responses from opus111

New Firmware Out For Sony HAPZ1 And S1 HDD Players
Yes!  Adding Qobuz or Tidal capability will keep this unit relevant for some time in the future 
What are the weak points of Pass amps and pre-amps ?
Never owned the  X or XA series amps or preamps, but have always felt the earlier Aleph series were somewhat overrated, having owned the Aleph 2/5 amps, P preamp, and Ono/X-Ono phonostages.  The Ono/X-Ono, in particular, were so mediocre sounding ... 
Voce Divina Loudspeakers founder contact info Tenore Soprano Basso Contrabasso Passo Alto
I've heard the Sopranos at a dealer in Seoul and was blown away.  One of the best reproduced sounds I've ever heard.  I have been looking for a pair but they seem to be really hard to come by in the US 
Micro RX 5000 Renaissance?
Wrongly designed or not, I rather like my 8000, at least more so than 90% of the turntables being made today. I'd take the "higher distortion/coloration levels" of the arms you don't like over the MS tonearms any day, and you can continue enjoying... 
Micro RX 5000 Renaissance?
My assessment of the MAX-237 and 282 arms comes from a direct experience of having owned both of them.  I bought a NOS MAX-282 brand new sealed in the box with 3 different armwands from a dealer many moons ago.  I was so disappointed at the sound ... 
Micro RX 5000 Renaissance?
The best of MS TTs are its looking but not its overall quality performance. In the other side the MAX 237/282 tonearms are really a reference product an a true challenge to any today tonearm designs. Is this a joke?  Having owned 1500, 5000, an... 
Micro RX 5000 Renaissance?
Mirko Djordjevic of Huntington Beach, CA builds a very high quality replica of RX-5000 for substantially less $$$ 
Most overrated bands
The BeatlesRolling Stones 
marantz model 9 service
I'd avoid shipping it if I can.  Marantz tube amps are classic textbook designs and are easy to repair for any qualified tech.  I'd look for a local tech you can bring it to and pick up in person 
Does such a speaker exist?
Jamo R909. Full range, Ddynamic, no cabinet coloration, never bright (Scanspeak Revelator tweeter), great bass (double 15" woofers). Best of all, well below $10000 used. 
The New Audio Research Reference 6
No thanks, I will wait for the Reference 7SE MKIII scheduled for very near future 
Luxman 3045 mb
These amps look pretty, but its sound does not match its look, IMHO. I owned 2 pairs with the original 8045 tubes, a pair with KT88 mod and a pair with 8417 mod and liked the KT88 version the least. 
New Audio Research Reference 150 SE
Why not wait for a Reference 150SE MKII? It should be out by the end of the year 
Wilson speakers/to people who own them etc
What is the point of sharing our opinions if you are not going to own them no matter what? 
Honest Vintage Tube Repair - SoCal
Why ship an amp across the country for service when are many local techs who can probably repair it at the cost of shipping? I'd personally avoid shipping a vintage amp at all cost due to risk of damage during transportation.