
Responses from optimize

When CDs first came onto the market in 1982 .......
It is a pity that it were so easy to compress digital audio files (loudness war) in a computer and then supply that to the CD pressing plants.   So most of the source material were therefore having lower dynamic range on the CD then on the LP. ... 
Do speaker cables really make a difference ?
Yes they make a difference.   But it is of less contribution the big elephant in your system for "sounding".   Most are connecting their speaker cable between a crossover and a (power) amplifier. It has so much bigger impact that we use and h... 
Maggie LRS so ridiculously good
@chopandchange  Yes I still have the MMG. Things that I have done since my post old post here in the thread. As I said I crossover the MMG at 53Hz there the Maggies roll of.   I put up my super upgrade bookshelf speakers and could do A/B comp... 
MoFi controversy
@sokogear  "I only care about the SQ." I see you are also deep into the rabbit hole of vinyl.😉 I used to think the same. During many years of optimizing and evolving my system to just getting it better and better. Learning how production proces... 
MoFi controversy
@onhwy61  I Retested and clicked on the image and got the image. Should look something like this:          
MoFi controversy
@clearthink @jayctoy What proof I found that In my book I consider as a lie. Is that they supply a sheet withe each one-step box, that explains the one-step process and how they do it: "MFSL engineers begin with the original master tapes and m... 
MoFi controversy
To minimize confusion the compression that I am addressing and is a bigger issue than if MoFi is using digital or not.   The album is done since decades and in some cases the artist is also at this point dead and gone. Someone (in my book the r... 
MoFi controversy
@lewm why couldn't I? It is not my fault that people compare compressed source material against uncompressed and they think that they compared appels to apple? I could say the same  You can't compare lossy LP production to lossless CD?   Ok l... 
MoFi controversy
So you often have to go back to the label and request such a file. The reason is simple: digital release files are compressed since there is an expectation they will be played in a car. For this reason the LP frequently has greater dynamic range... 
MoFi controversy
"MFSL engineers begin with the original master tapes and meticulously cut a set of lacquers" A quote from the sheet that MoFi explain how they're doing the one step process. To me it is not omitting anything when it is a clear lie. And saying om... 
Which pair of speakers changed your Hifi life?
Magnapan mmg. I had my system in my treated and dedicated room. Using heavy modified speakers with ALL better parts custom made point to point mounted and so on.   I got the tip that if you buy a second pair HiFi Speakers then it is a good idea... 
Help me spend $6000
Maybe this is not a forum for me. When I focus on getting better sound quality as the primary goal. And changing in and out components year after year and just gaining something here and there maybe, in sound quality by losing something else som... 
Help me spend $6000
@travisg  Room is a bonus room with knee walls with carpet and bookshelves everywhere, but not officially treated. I sit near field.  That is great ^^^ . But as I see it you got great electronic and gear. So at this point my view is that you... 
What's better, one conductor or two conductors for an RCA interconnect?
I did a experiment once.   I tried to measure if I could get any graph or see any benefits or difference between my trippel shielded (stated on the jacket) RCA and new bought but braided sterling silver RCA.   I wanted to see if there were ANY... 
New 55,000 Euro tonearm
I must be living on another planet.  I am on a third one.. Could we not get together at one and the same one.👍