

Responses from oleschool

Subwoofers.... one 10" or two 8"?
x2 on the above comments.rels are good subs.Although i am often perplexed why I don't see more people running the better sunfires they a great subs.The 8" sunfire back in the 90s was a beast for its size i had 2 with mg3a and cj it was great (trea... 
Equipment Rack
Once again ,I say if it works use it.Although in all apps it may not.Proof is in the pudding! ... Thats why an open forum is key in my opinion of course there will always be positive ,negative and comical comments. I personnally have decide to reb... 
where's the best difference?
Room treatment money well spent imo  
Subwoofers.... one 10" or two 8"?
I had two sunfire 8" yrs back with maggies i loved it fast and crisp . I’ve had alot of subs over the yrs from 8"-15 different brands and applications. ( rel velo sunfire svs nova ) Room characteristics play a big role imo . Bass traps and treatme... 
Why do I keep torturing myself with remasters?
zepplins have straight up sucked .if i play them thru the bose wave in the kitchen there ok :) 
tt ground to phono section. solid copper?
thumbs up 
I just watched the greg allman tribute
Heard today greg is very sick its not looking good .. 
Why do I keep torturing myself with remasters?
whart \ thanks i'm ok its been awhile lol...I do have a dig front end cambridge trans and bel canto .I also have probly . 1/2 gi in a hardrive but its a far cry from spinning vinyl on my vpi ... also i havnt updated my dang profile i should someda... 
tt ground to phono section. solid copper?
 vpi classic to musical fidelity mxvyl  phono section which has a grounding post next to rca  ( 2 prong dc conv plug for power ) then Rca to my intergrated amp . which also has a grounding post for its onbaord phono section which i was using until... 
Why do I keep torturing myself with remasters?
I enjoy the input from everyone,although i am really trying to replace an irreplacable collection.I bought 90% of my jap pressings brand new and i mean hundred and hundred and hundreds and huuuundreds or german pressings ..Some of the early origin... 
Equipment Rack
geoff .You seem to respond to every comment but yet I asked what is the conflict of interest with selling me a spring?  A positive or negative thread about your "product" .And again if i bid the 2 dollars for your "tweek" you wouldnt sell it to me... 
THE most sonically dissappointing (lp) you own of great music?
remix 180g of "In thru the outdoor" is pretty rough just bought it  
Magneplanar 1.7 vs. older 1.5QRs?
personnaly i think the 1.6 were some of the best,and overall seem to have the most praise from my experience .Placement is key if thats a go they are  all tough to beat imo .with two small subs 8-10" 
Equipment Rack
Geoff With all due respect,thats like saying" oh i’m sorry you have been to my concert and seen me live sorry you cannot buy my album" again dazed and confused.... You told me which of your springs to use under my tt and said running your spring... 
Why do I keep torturing myself with remasters?
ghosthouseI have Cambridge transport and a Bel Canto dac, I listen to both although i do lean towards vinyl .