
Responses from oilmanmojo

15,000 LP's - What to do with records?
check out vintage records in Shreveport, LA. I know they have purchased large lots, not sure of 15,000. 
VPI Classic and ZYX Airy 3 X SB...good match?
i can not comment on how the zyx cartridges match up with the vpi tonearm but i have the airy 3 and UNIverse and have run with them for several years. The airy replaced a VDH frog then i got the opportunity to snag a UNIverse. I use them with my M... 
TTWeights new Black Onyx Idler drive Turntable
cousinbilly1look forward to feedback. Let me verify, the onyx is an idler drive? Was your teres upgraded to the rimdrive? BTW, still enjoying the UNIverse you sold to me. I have it mounted on my Maplenoll Ariadne signature. 
Best TT plinth material, cost no object
kenDon't you just hate that:^) people who falsely advertise a product. There were so many different platter designs for the various maplenoll table. My first one (white ariadne reference) had a 30 lb platter that had been dropped and bunged up. I ... 
It is 5 AM, Do you Know where Mikey Fremer is?
I have about 2000+/- and probably have listened to 70% of them over the years. There are some albums I listen to at least 1/month and others only once. i average about 20/week so in a year, i will flip over 1000. Some weekends, i will go through 1... 
Best TT plinth material, cost no object
Maplenoll top end tables were built with a platter of pure lead (ariadne 80lb platter, apollo 70lb platter), a plinth that had a lot of lead and corian. Walker audio is built along similar lines concerning the platter and plinth. These tables are ... 
MG-1 airbearing arm tracking problems?
not necessarily specific to MG-1 but general about most airbearing arms * levelness is a must. Not table but arm. Should be the same but often isnt. * VTF---Too iight will cause tracking issues. * wire impact on tonearm---Get the wire in a bind 
Michell Gyro Se running a little slow
The bearing and well are key to keeping the unit from running slow. The michell gyro inverted bearing has a pumping system that moves oil up tothe bearing. low oil or dirty oil can cause issues The other possibility is the bearing is bad. It is un... 
What's your profession? Age?
55 yr old; oil refinery manager currently but been in oil refining last 33 years. system is still evolving focusing on analog upgrades over las few years 
Mapleknoll Questions/ Trouble shooting
Excellent! When properly set up, this table will outperform most tables made today. Also, once you set it up, it usually does not require any tweaking. Thanks for the feedback. Glad I could help 
The first-best-last analog item you ever bought
My first analog was BSR (Cheap) record player. It was not much, but it was mine and it started my passion for vinyl. I followed it with a couple of other players before getting a dual 721 which served me well for 20 plus years. My best (and intere... 
9", 10" or 12" tonearms
ThomAs usual, your posts are clear, articulate and to the point. We "audiophiles" love to talk about what we think or believe but often this is based on feelings and not facts. As we also know, cost or price is not always a reflection of quality b... 
Do you ever wonder?
culture clubCherhelen reddyvillage peoplemilli vanilliphoebe snowAll of these had some commercial success that simply baffles me. 
Phono preamp evolution
i must admit that my focus on phono preamp was pretty poor until recently. I started with the phono stepup built into my sansui for years then when i moved to a yamaha i brought a cheap battery powered stepup from radioshack for my mm shure cartri... 
Mapleknoll Questions/ Trouble shooting
nkj. Strongly disagree with the first responder about giving up. they can be a pain to get right, but once set up right, they are pretty simple to keep going. I will suggest you refer to my thread i started a few years ago about maplenoll and you ...