
Responses from nutty

Whats playing on your system today?
jafant, How do you like Beth Hart?N 
Whats playing on your system today?
ozzy,I felt bad about misleading you. I did a quick Wikipedia check on the AD/DC High Voltage.  Looks like they originally released two different versions. One Australian version on LP with "Soul Stripper". The US of version is different and has d... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Butthole surfers, song " Pepper". Classic. Beck, song, "Loser".N 
Whats playing on your system today?
This morning we're rocking the foundation........Listening to Corrosion of Conformity,  "Deliverance"."Senor Limpo" and "Clean my wounds". have a ton of media.So much music to listen to.... 
Whats playing on your system today?
jafant,Cecil Taylor....I'm no expert on Jazz music or musicians. What I found of Cecil was mostly improv.  It's really not something I would normally listen to. However I would never attempt to discount his abilities as a musician. Im sure there a... 
Whats playing on your system today?
ghosthouse, I have DP In Rock on download. It's been a while since I've listened. Thanks!Also, with so much music being flooded onto the "Obscure bands" thread, thanks for giving me some direction as to a good starting point. That thread may be a ... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Beth Hart and Joe Bonamossa, "Don't explain". Also Beth Hart, "Screamin' for my supper".N 
Whats playing on your system today?
A little more Beth.... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Beth Hart and Joe Bonamossa, Don't explain.... Great vocalist on this collaboration. Beth Hart has some great solo material as well. Check her out. 
Whats playing on your system today?
ozzy,  My sincerest apologies.  The High Voltage I was listening to was a downloaded version. However it's is worth a listen if you get the chance. N 
Whats playing on your system today?
jafant- I am unfamiliar with Cecil. I'll check it out.N 
Whats playing on your system today?
gshephardbuster,Big Styx fan. If your playing greatest hits,  your in for a long night of listening :)N 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Ana Popovic '...Ana is Serbian and she fronts a blues based band from Tennessee. Lots of material, "Ana Popovic' Live in Amsterdam" is a great set. 
Whats playing on your system today?
Ok, do we have any Ana Popovic' fans in the house?  She is an amazing guitarist. She is Serbian but they are a Tennessee based blues band. Lots of good material. Her "Ana Popovic' Live in Amsterdam" is recorded very well. Here is a sample.https://... 
Whats playing on your system today?
radfrad, Me too! Great selections today. N