
Responses from nuguy

Any system ever moved you emotionally like this?
I recall blasting through guitar solos with emotion that cannot be put into words. I would get wrapped up in the song so much it was like nothing else existed in the universe but the sound of the guitar and myself. Adrenaline, chills up your spine... 
anyone heard the oskar syrinx?
I too considered the Syrinx. IMO Incredible speakers. By FAR the best I auditioned keeping in mind the dealers rarely "crank it". If you think they won't play loud without strain you are probably right. They were just not designed for that. I list... 
Undiscovered blues gems.....'s a couple links for a sample of Jay Gordon and Eric Gales. Click on " select tracks " 
EQ's... why doesnt everybody have one?
I brought the Behringer home 3 weeks ago for a trial. The difference is unbelievable. I can't imagine having the money to buy a system that wouldn't benefit from it. Just my opinion. 
Anyone heard or own Klipsch RF7 ?
Thanks, I appreciate your comments! 
Am I missing something here?
Good point Bigjoe, my apologees to all energy lovers. They actually DO sound pretty darn good for a lesser expensive speaker at moderate volumes. In fact I was looking at their higher end models as well. I guess I am getting frustrated, I thought ... 
Am I missing something here?
There is no impedance switch, there are separate speaker connectors for each load. They are correct. One thing I was also curious about is when I hooked up a Behringer DEQ2496 I ran unbalanced from the preamp into the DEQ XLR input, then XLR from ... 
Dunlavy drivers
Perfect, thanks !!! 
veneer question
I would absolutely not hesitate to use contact cement to repair loose veneer. To do it right you must apply it to BOTH surfaces and let it flash off. (let it sit until it becomes clear) Once it has flashed off the stuff will bond to itself like yo... 
Speaker Placement
Hey Kr4, what if he lies down to listen? Just kiddin Budam, but you gotta admit that was pretty funny!!! 
Import to Canada from USA
Most informative everyone. Thanks 
silverline vs von schweikert
That's interesting Jgiacalo, I've been kicking around the tube idea. I will seriously consider that option. I imagine I'll be asking some more questions after I do some homework. Thank you guys for sharing! 
Import to Canada from USA
Not what I wanted to hear but thanks for the replies. 
Mcintosh MC2500 VS MC352
Thanks Smp, great site and should answer lots of questions! 
Which speakers for mcintosh mc352
I'll try to keep this short without leaving anything out. First things first... The MC352 deal fell through so needless to say I am starting from scratch. I am looking for a 2 channel system in which I will temporarily preamp with a harmon kardon ...