

Responses from nrchy

Soundsmith Strain Gage Cartridge system
Interesting conversation. I have been following this for a few days since I am going to get a 410 and strain gauge cartridge. I have heard the system at RMAF twice now and honestly, based on what I heard in the Soundsmith room, I would not have bo... 
meridian 861 v2.8, is it worth it?
I like chocolate chip cookie dough...What answer are you looking for, how can anyone else tell you if a product is worth the cost. I have cables that cost more than $4300... That doesn't make me better or smarter than you though. Only you can answ... 
zyx universe cartr.- ideal weight -ideal vta ,
While I don't know anything about your arm, the ZYX will sound best in the 1.8-1.9g area. I have found that anything less than parallel will detract from the sound. You don't need negative VTA with the UNIverse. Take your time with setup and you w... 
Best New speaker under $5000
Oz, I had no idea. I was wondering why after having such a big presence last year, they were not to be found this year at RMAF!!!That's really too bad as they are a great product. I know Robert was having a hard time coming up with the money to re... 
Best New speaker under $5000
The best I have ever heard are the Harmonic Precision Caravelles, that's why I bought them. I have owned bigger and more expensive speakers, but I'm not sure I've owned better speakers.They are hard to find used, which doesn't seem to be an issue ... 
Pass X-250.5 or McIntosh MC402?
I think Pass Labs .5 series amps are great. I have only heard them at shows, but the design has more in common with some of their older single gain stage amps. The signal is much more clean.The new Mac gear is an improvement over what they've been... 
What am I missing using a 20 year old CD player??
Nothing but the music the musician recorded...Oo. 
Why spend megabucks on a tuner?
bragging rights...Why would you buy a tuner and not get the best one you could justify???Oo. 
the paradox of accurate speakers
Tennis, I'm having a hard time understanding if you're talking about accurate musical reproduction or if you're talking about a speaker accurately using the electricity coming into it...Accuracy of musical reproduction can only take place in a (hy... 
my beautiful table isn't behaving after our move
I wonder if there is a cable connection in the arm that is not making contact. What arm do you have on the table? Is there a connection at the bottom of the arm?Oo. 
Angriest Lyric/Vocal
Behind Blue Eyes - The WhoFlying Colours - Jethro TullOo. 
What is the one CD you can't find?
Until last week it was Daniel Lanois "Acadie"It's amazing what a $500 bid will do on Ebay!?!Oo. 
Cable Elevators
I have no scientific verification for my experience... what I take exception to is self proclaimed experts who have never used the item in question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have used them, does that give my opinion more validity that some AS# who hasn't? I... 
How to reply to questions about stereo cost?
Have you stopped beating your wife???Oo. 
Cable Elevators
pbb, another sophomoric arguement...How about EMI and RFI, the amount of radio siganl is minimal, why would it affect the signal inside an enclosed cable??? Just for the sake of us mere mortals who have not conducted the exhaustive studies which y...