

Responses from notesaddict

Your favorite Electrostatic, Panel spkr
I have ML’s 13a powered by Krell’s 575 XD monoblocks. Fantastic for jazz, absolutely no ear fatigue.  
What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?
Krell 575 XD monoblocks  
What are the speakers you very rarely find in the Used market(Audiogon or Anywhere)?
Windmilldad: I own ML 13a. (I can speak from experience having been an audiophile for 5 decades.) They were very good speakers when matched with reputable amps and preamps. A year ago I took it to the next level and went with Don Sachs tube preamp... 
I’m gob smacked. What were you’re aha moments?
This past year I replaced my entire system a component at a time. Consequently, many a smack. What made the largest change for the better was my recent XD upgrade to the Krell 575 Solo. Amazing.  
Recommendation on power amp
OP: the Krells are used with Martin Logan’s 13a.  
Recommendation on power amp
I own Krell’s 575 Solo XD. They’re excellent. Audiotroy did a good job in describing their sound in one of his posts.  
What are the best speakers you have ever owned and why?
KLH, Cerwin Vega, KEF, Polk, B&W 802 and currently my last set, ML13a pushed by the incredible Krell 575 XD monoblocks. Perfect.  
Nature of the current used speaker market
IMO the demographics for high end goods is not promising. As an avid reader of Audiogon I get the distinct impression the majority of participants are retirees. I don’t see the generations following ours as buyers of 5 foot towers or 70 lb monoblo... 
Suggestion for best stereo amp ?
Krell recently upgraded their line to “XD”. From what I’ve read its been well received.  
How often do you turn it on?
Alas, with the exception of MG we all seem to be retirees. Thanks for the responses.  
How often do you turn it on?
Of course, you’re right... be grateful. I only have two friends who are audiophiles, hence my curiosity as to what is normal for those of us with the bug. Thank you.  
Are Pass Labs amps probably the best ever you can buy ?
You may want to consider Krell. I’ve had several models pushing B&W 802 and KEF. Currently, I have Krell’s 575 Solo coupled with Martin Logan 13a. A reason I mention them is that they just upgraded their line, “XD”, which has been well receive... 
Your Forever Pieces? What and Why?
Mirolab, I just noticed your post. You may want visit North Creek’s web site, www.northcreekmusic.com. It has a detailed, interesting write up of your and my beloved 801s.  
Your Forever Pieces? What and Why?
B&W 801, purchased in 1976. When they were gifted they sounded terrible, flat. I understand B&W designed them to be purposed as studio monitors. Fortuitously, I learned of a company, North Creek, that made crossovers (40 lbs of copper, eac... 
If you could just pick one instrument that you think sounds best on your speakers
After 50 years I’ve managed to cobble two good systems; ML 13a and B&W 801 with custom crossovers. The go to instrument when tweaking is the piano. I am thinking Dave Brubeck.