
Responses from notdeadyet

Crossover help?
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this thread. The strangest thing happened. After checking the network as per imhififan's suggestion I had to go out, came back and plugged in the network. Working!! wft? Replaced the 2R7 still works, in... 
Crossover help?
Thanks imhififan thats exactly what I was hoping someone could come up with. Just checked the network as you suggested. HF input terms OL HF output terms starts at 0 climbs to 3.1 HF - to HF - 0.00 Surely its not possible the 3.3 cap stops th... 
Crossover help?
I used a sucker and wick, the tracks are pretty robust. I get a a bleep up to and away from the cap, can't test the cap but neither new or old refitted made any difference. I'll play around again tomorrow see if I can find a break. Really strug... 
Crossover help?
Hi and thank you for the replies. The speakers are PMC FB1 they are well known for being overly bright. Its been my intention to follow the + upgrade for years but had never found the crossover changes until recently. . I got hold of the layout ... 
Crossover help?
I've been unable to discover the issue or post pics. Looks like I'm going to have to build point to point external crossovers.😣  
Crossover help?
How do you attach images?  It links to a url rather than to a location on the PC.      
Crossover help?
Hi Thanks for the reply. The crossover was removed completely. The tweeter is still fine, checked. I don't have any form of heat sink, i have previously soldered much smaller components with success. The only items removed/replaced are resisto... 
Hi All sorry to bump an old tread. I'm getting ready to rework my crossovers. The current resistors are 7w most audio resistors are 5 or 10w  Is there an issue replacing 7w with 10w on the HPF or best to just leave well alone? Thanks in advanceÂ