

Responses from noble100

Recordings by Elton John, Nirvana and Thousands More Lost in Fire
nonoise:"noble100,So that was a bear I saw in that hat."Hello nonoise,     No, that was the pope just doing his business in the woods.Tim 
Television technology - where are we?
dawgbyte,+1 for LG OLED.     The Samsung QLED 4K  hdtvs are very good but, when seen side by side with an LG OLED, it'll be obvious to you that the OLED is clearly superior.  The Samsungs are Transmissive, meaning they use a backlight shining thro... 
My experience adding subwoofers to 2 channel
Hello holter,     I'm not very familiar with the Dream Maker speakers, although I've read good reviews on them.  I don't think you'd need any more than 4 AK subs to get excellent bass response in your room.  I think James would be the best person ... 
Recordings by Elton John, Nirvana and Thousands More Lost in Fire
nonoise:"Has the Russian troll farm infiltrated Audiogon? 😮 Or just another Fox News viewer?1-I think they've always been here.2-Does the pope wear a funny hat?"Hello nonoise,   I always thought it was 'Does the pope poop in the woods?'Boy, I'm so... 
Demo'd a few sets of speakers over the past 2 weeks...
Hello statmeister,     No, I'm not AKA hikmer.  I was just having a little fun and messing with you.     But I was struck by how quickly exactly what you were looking for suddenly appeared for sale and at under your expected price, almost like you... 
My experience adding subwoofers to 2 channel
Hello holter,     I'm certainly no bass expert, either.  James Romeyn mentioned to me how well his A K Debra system and its distributed bass array concept works and I just read all I could find out about the concept, mostly research done by Earl G... 
Recordings by Elton John, Nirvana and Thousands More Lost in Fire
     This is Axios's new audio blog, right?Tim 
Demo'd a few sets of speakers over the past 2 weeks...
bstatmeister's exact words yesterday:"My understanding is that the 3a sigs with a pair 2wqs get you most of the way there to the 5a's, and if I try hard enough I may be able to get that whole package for under 3k (used) not necessarily all at once... 
Recordings by Elton John, Nirvana and Thousands More Lost in Fire
     A lesson to all current and future musicians:Record all your masters direct to high resolution digital of at least 24Bit/96KHz, use Master Source (MS) coding for the tracking of provenance from the MS to the commercially delivered format and ... 
Where are the subs?
Good Morning DB,     If you and Tony don't screw things up, anything that sounds good now will only sound better with a 4-sub DBA SMS-1 bass system incorporated.  You'll hear Price/Vickers Aida sounds even better, with all the musical content from... 
My experience adding subwoofers to 2 channel
Hello o_holter,    My room is 23'x16' with an 8' ceiling. I have some pictures posted on my profile if you want to take a look. It's a combo music and ht system.    I have a 65" hdtv wall mounted to the middle of the front 16' wall with my Magn... 
Where are the subs?
dbphd:"Tim, the speakers are on the 14' wall, an HGS-15 in each corner, an HGS-10 behind each speaker.  The carpet on the wall and ceiling are for video projection, not audio."Hello db,     That's all good news since there's no need to reconfigure... 
My experience adding subwoofers to 2 channel
Hello o_holter,     James Romeyn at Audio Kinesis is the guy who convinced me to give the AK Debra 4-sub DBA system a 28-day free home trial.  I started off a big skeptic but, after hearing the bass response in my room and system, I'm now probably... 
What is the least compressed signal?
     Everyone knows the lovable geoffkait can be quite the quibbler. He's even adept at quibbling about whether or not he's been quibbling.       He was even named the 2018 Quintessential Quibbler by Quibbler's Quarterly magazine.    Few people kn... 
Demo'd a few sets of speakers over the past 2 weeks...
johnto: "I hate the idea of spending more on subs than on my main speakers."Hello johnto,     I believe you're referring to combining a pair of the $2,000 Magnepan 1.7is with the $2,800 4-sub Audio Kinesis Swarm DBA system. For a total system pric...