

Responses from noble100

MartinLogan Subwoofers- Don't Overlook Them!
gochurchgo:"Another stupid question but can you link me to a diagram of how you wired this? I'm not savvy.Thanks @avanti1960"     Hello gochurchgo,    Many current good quality subs allow hookup via both rca cables from standard rca outputs on a p... 
REL T/9i compared to Strata iii
     Restricting your sub choices to a single brand or type makes no sense and just displays a willful ignorance that harms no one but yourself.Tim 
Recommended receiver for HT
Hello dbphd,     Awesome!  The audio section of the Oppo 205 is also very neutral and of high quality.  I believe your whole chain, 205/M22/LS50s would be accurately described as exceptionally neutral.  I think you'll continue to notice there's a ... 
MartinLogan Subwoofers- Don't Overlook Them!
"But I wanted to point out that adding a 2nd sub didn’t exactly equally balance out the bass response in your room. The actual dynamics are more complex and I’ll try to explain it in another post when I have more time."     Here’s my promised furt... 
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???
pcc67,     That Apollon as4800 looks very nice and should work exceptionally well for your surround channels, powerful, accurate, clean and clear performance.     I noticed your next addition may be room treatment and two subs.   It looks like two... 
Bryston 4B3 or Ps Audio M700 monoblock?
Hello benjosef1,     Hah!  Well, that explains why I couldn't find any info.  Duh.    " I agree with Elizabeth and others who said you have to take recommendations with a grain of salt- a lot of this boils down to personal taste- and one has to ju... 
Bryston 4B3 or Ps Audio M700 monoblock?
Elizabeth:"Some responses... one would think they are the President of the company they have such a strong desire to 'sell' a product to others.   I would just add a lot of the selling going on is fan boy praise. Folks just love something and wil... 
Bryston 4B3 or Ps Audio M700 monoblock?
benjosef1:"reflecting on your comments, I am curious as to why you think I should not consider PS Audio (gammonit-2000)"Hello benjosef1,     If you're directing your comment to me, I don't think I ever stated you should not consider the PS Audio G... 
Recommended receiver for HT
Hello dbphd,     Happy Independence Day!           I'm very glad you like the performance of the class D NAD M22 driving your KEF LS50s.       I appreciate good class D amps for their very low noise floor, good bass and dynamics along with the ver... 
Why the fascination with subwoofers?
Hello brskie,     I’d suggest going with the Treo and 1-4 moderately sized subs would definitely be the more versatile option when compared to a pair of Quatros with no subs. I’ve never compared the Treos to the Quatros by themselves but I’m still... 
MartinLogan Subwoofers- Don't Overlook Them!
avanti1960:"@noble100 I agree about the directional cues when at the listener spot but while moving about the room, the sound of a single sub can change dramatically. I had a single sub previously and the sound was so defined and powerful when s... 
MartinLogan Subwoofers- Don't Overlook Them!
avanti1960,     I've always considered Martin Logan subs as very good subs.  As you and millercarbon realize, using two subs, as opposed to a single sub, offers significant advantages that have absolutely nothing to do with stereo bass.       All ... 
Musicians in your living room vs. you in the recording hall?
     I agree with geoffkait that there's not a big difference between being transported to the venue and the musicians seeming to be playing in your room.  I believe the difference is subtle and based on small clues picked up on the recording mics... 
Bryston 4B3 or Ps Audio M700 monoblock?
     Great, please post back on this thread with your impressions.Enjoy, Tim 
Bryston 4B3 or Ps Audio M700 monoblock?
benjosepf1,     I'd suggest you audition the M700s in your room and system.  I think you'll find that the M700s are a very good match with your Rogue 99 tube preamp if you like the sonic qualities of this preamp.       The main characteristics you...