

Responses from noble100

Again the topic of weight of amps
Hello geoffkait,    I agree, I don't buy into the theory that the transformers have to be large, either.  The primary reason class D amps have such good bass response is their typical high damping factors, often >1,000, which is directly relate... 
Again the topic of weight of amps
bdp24:"Tim deParavicini of EAR-Yoshino says he can predict the bass sound an amplifier produces by looking at the size of it’s transformers."Good morning,    If Tim deParavicini of EAR-Yoshino is as smart and knowledgeable as I think he is and hea... 
Again the topic of weight of amps
clearthink: "Class d is ok for subwoofer amplifiers at least until you compare them to something better such as Bryston or Pass."jsautter: "I agree with clearthink on the issue of Class D amps. Havent heard one yet that I have liked."Hello clearth... 
Again the topic of weight of amps
     When threads request equipment recommendations like this one, it seems that readers for some unexplainable, unhelpful, strange and annoying reason, often consider these types of threads as invitations to just blindly name whatever gear they h... 
Again the topic of weight of amps
     Encouraging the OP to not at least give a good class D amp a free in-home audition for a month is just willful ignorance, akin to encouraging not hiring the most intelligent and competent black job applicant because of their skin color.      ... 
Again the topic of weight of amps
Hello roxy1927,     You’re a perfect candidate for class D. Here’s an excellent pair of D-Sonic M3a-600-M mono-blocks for $2,150/pair, 800 watts at 8 ohms, 1,350 at 4 ohms,brand new, 3 year warranty, rca and xlr inputs,a 30-day free in-home trial ... 
Upgrading sub to get a live feel.
Hello Watcher,     Okay, I'll keep monitoring the thread. I you have any questions, you can always pm me, too.Good luck and take your time, Tim 
Recommended receiver for HT
Hello DB,     Excellent!  I'm glad we arrived at a system solution you like.    I'm anxious to find out your impressions of your 4-sub DBA system on music and HT once you have all your subs back from repair and setup.     If you need help with tha... 
Upgrading sub to get a live feel.
Hello watcher,      You stated your room size is 16x30. The speakers are placed on the 16' side, and you sit about 11 feet away from the speakers. The SB are located right under the main, 6" from the wall.     Instead of specific procedures on s... 
Upgrading sub to get a live feel.
Hello Watcher,     Excellent, I'll try to complete the procedures today.  Later,Tim 
Upgrading sub to get a live feel.
Hello Watcher,     Great, just so we're on the same page you need to:1. Complete your bass system by positioning your two SBs using the crawl system.2. Order a pair of speaker stands for your JBL 4319s. I think the best place to search is eBay and... 
Recommended receiver for HT
Hello DB,     By the way, do you want me to call you DB or do you prefer something else?     Okay, I think I've got it.       You're going to use the Ayre CD player, Roon, Ayre KX5 preamp, VX5 amp and the KEF Ref 1s for music playback.      You're... 
Upgrading sub to get a live feel.
Hello Watcher, Sorry about the side-tracks. Back to your system. I'm glad you used the crawl method and discovered your system sounds good with the PB subs located along your back wall. I believe you’ll notice significant overall system performanc... 
Recommended receiver for HT
dbphd:"Tim,Currently thinking of a solution to a problem that entails using one SMS-1 with the HGS-15s for HT and the other SMS-1 with the HGS-10s for music. That is, Bryston SP3 to a SMS-1 for HT, Ayre KX-5/20 to the other for music, with no shar... 
Upgrading sub to get a live feel.
millercarbon:"Especially with bass. A lot of the problems people have getting this concept seem to have their roots in some really fundamental misunderstandings about how human beings hear and perceive different frequencies. We simply do not regis...