

Responses from noble100

Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution
Hello Hans,     I recall James and Duke agreeing that the 4-sub distributed bass array(DBA) concept actually works very well in small rooms.  It's a bit ironic since multiple sub bass systems in small rooms are probably one of the least likely sol... 
Separate subs for music and HT/surround
Hello DB,     I believe that having four subs distributed in your room is going to increase the quantity of bass modes (peaks and dips), which is a good thing since your brain is going to sum the bass and average it by frequency. This will smooth ... 
30.7 MAGNEPAN Tour in Indy
don_c55:"If the Power Response was perfect there would be no “sweet spot”?The 30.7 does have a “sweet spot”.What does making the speaker prove, if not to sell?"Hello don,     Yes, when I heard the 30.7s at Ovation in Indy, they did have the normal... 
Separate subs for music and HT/surround
Hello DB,     Have you fed the equalized output from the SMS-1 back to the preamp and gotten all your subs back from repair and setup yet?      Also, do you want to keep your unused Oppo 205 or do you want to sell it to me at a reasonable premium?... 
30.7 MAGNEPAN Tour in Indy
johnto,     I'd estimate about 50 attended this one, too.   I don't know if any were sold but I did ask Willard if I could buy the demo 30.7s at the end but he just smiled and declined.  Worth a try.Tim  
30.7 MAGNEPAN Tour in Indy
        My invitation to listen to my 4-sub DBA system is really open to any Audiogon member interested or curious about them.  I know it's very difficult to even find a local retailer able to offer a decent DBA demo.  Or we could just visit, play... 
What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load
m-db:"I’m a class D fan but I’m not fooling myself either. Their plate glass transparency along with switching amplifiers general lack of congestion make them a tool in my studio. In the living room they’re simply no match for the relaxed musicali... 
30.7 MAGNEPAN Tour in Indy
jdlynch:"Totally irrelevant, but nice to see people near Indy! I live in Floyd county (southern Indiana) but I’m in Indy almost weekly for work. I’ll be in Noblesville this Thursday.@noble100, your posts regarding sub-swarming have captured my cur... 
What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load
     What I've learned lately on this thread is to avoid using speakers that present loads to the amp of less than 2 ohms.  I believe if speaker designers and manufacturers decide to rule out the use of the majority of amps working well with their... 
Separate subs for music and HT/surround
Hello DB,     I really think you're going to be thrilled with the quality of the bass performance in your system/room once you have all four subs back from repair and set-up.       For optimum performance, I suggest you position and configure all ... 
What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load
Hello George,     For class D amps that double their output as impedance is halved down to 2 ohms, it looks like all the new Merrill Element amps, also using the new GaN fast switching transistors, all are capable but they're expensive, starting a... 
What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load
     I just read this article about Purifi Audio, and their class D amp that is said to be "completely indifferent to frequency, level and impedance variations, with measured intermodulation distortion way below any other technology."  There's no ... 
Separate subs for music and HT/surround
Hello DB,      I understand, connecting the surround front LR main speakers outputs from the SP3 to a LR designated input on your Ayre preamp is functionally the same thing as having a HT/Bypass Switch on the Ayre preamp.  All resulting in you hav... 
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution
    mijostyn,     Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot you use a 4-sub line source bass array system.  Well, then I'm sure you understand exactly what I mean when I describe a 4-sub bass array system as having a sense of bass ease that gives the impression of... 
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution
Mijostyn: "According to Earl Geddes... you want to keep your subs as far apart as possible and throw the fourth one away."Duke:"The four-sub configuration I use was Earl’s first-generation multisub-system. He subsequently wrote a program that can ...