

Responses from noble100

Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???
Hello tweak 1,    I continue to be interested and intrigued by class D amps in general.  I know it's the best method for those with a limited budgets to attain very good performance in their systems because that's the main reason I tried my 1st on... 
Audio Kinesis Swarm Subwoofer Awarded 2019 Golden Ear Award by Robert E. Greene
audiokinesis:"In my opinion room treatment in the bass region is virtually always beneficial, as the improved damping reduces the magnitude of the peak-and-dip swings."Thanks Duke.  My room acoustics and GIK products efficacy adventures begin.Tim 
Separate subs for music and HT/surround
Hello DB,     Wow, you've been busy, too.  Why the heck do your Velodynes keep going on the fritz?     You may be better off performance and cost wise by just selling your Velodynes to your Baldwin Hills repair guy and buying an Audio Kinesis 4-su... 
Audio Kinesis Swarm Subwoofer Awarded 2019 Golden Ear Award by Robert E. Greene
Hello Duke, Another Swarm bass success story that, as an owner of the AK Debra 4-sub distributed bass array (DBA) system, doesn’t surprise me at all. I’m glad you posted again, Duke, because I was just going to contact you with a question I have a... 
Separate subs for music and HT/surround
Hello kgveteran,     I don't know what millercarbon has against "horrid sounding HT" but, I know that with 1 to 4 subs optimally positioned in a room, HT does not sound horrid at all and works equally well for HT and music.  I know this because I'... 
What Ampliffier And Magico A3
Hello mirza78,     I recently happened to hear the A3s at a local high-end shop that were being driven by a Mark Levinson 5805 integrated amp and the combination  sounded excellent playing jazz and classical from both vinyl and hi-res digital file... 
Mola Mola Makua and Kartugas or Preamp and Merrill Veritas?
Hello rsf507,     Yes, I would think the Christine might have the advantage of superior newer component parts.  Ideally, I'd prefer to audition them both in my system and purchase the one I liked best overall.      Unfortunately, it's highly unlik... 
Mola Mola Makua and Kartugas or Preamp and Merrill Veritas?
Update:     I got very lucky!     I decided to call the owner of my favorite high-end audio store here in Indy yesterday , Graham the owner of Audio Solutions, and get his thoughts on my attempted upgrades to my system.  His shop is always interes... 
Mola Mola Makua and Kartugas or Preamp and Merrill Veritas?
Hello rsf507,    Funny, I was just thinking the same thing, if you're talking about the one for $7,500 here on A'gon. I'm a bit torn between the Christine and the Levinson 326S that usually go for about $5K used in very good condition.     I kno... 
Mola Mola Makua and Kartugas or Preamp and Merrill Veritas?
rsf507:"Why not get the Veritas with the matching Merrill Christine pre? "Yes, the Merrill Christine does seem like an ideal option.  I just read a very positive review on it:  http://www.enjoythemusic.com/superioraudio/equipment/0517/Merrill_Audi... 
Benchmark LA4 Preamp?
Update:     My 1st choice remains the ML326S preamp due to the fact that I really enjoy the ML sound characteristics, it has all the functionality I'd like/need and I LOVE the small rather chunky metal remote (the same as the ML585 integrated amp ... 
What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load
     Buy a pair of pre-owned Merrill Veritas for $5K, they're stable down to 1 ohm.  If you're unsure, just call Merrill and ask him if they'll drive the Kappa 9s. Tim 
Time to buy a class D amp?
Hello niodari,     Sorry, I forgot you're in Mexico.  I'll be down in a couple days and I'll bring the amps.  Don't worry, my wife and I will be out of your place by Spring.  Winters are a bit cold up here.     Looking forward to your impressions.... 
What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load
 joysjane:"Stay tuned for my first-hand experience as to how these amps drove my original un-modded Infinity Kappa 9's.One of the amp killing speakers..."Hello joysjane,     Wow, a teaser on the W4S SX-1000 class D amps and how they worked driving... 
Need a new BD player, region free
Hello jag,     For Tidal, I 'd suggest you go to their site online and signup for a subscription or a free limited trial period.  I believe Tidal will then download their software to your computer and Oppo 103 to activate the service and you'll ju...