

Responses from noble100

Which SS integrated amp to choose?
     I don’t own one but extensively heard the Mark Levinson 5805 integrated at a local hi-end shop driving both Magico and Sonus Faber speakers. It sounded so good that I bought a fairly expensive pre-owned ML 326S preamp just to try and capture ... 
So It`s Ok To Mix and Match Ported and Sealed Subwoofers ??
Hello Steve,     Okay, good.  You should be aware that I went from 2 subs to 4 subs in my system search for high quality bass.  I've never tried 3 subs but one of the most prolific acoustic researchers and advocates of the 4-sub DBA concept, Dr. E... 
So It`s Ok To Mix and Match Ported and Sealed Subwoofers ??
Hello scm,     Excellent, from what I've read, the HSU ULS-15 mk2 are a very good choice.    I suggest you first setup and audition a custom 3-sub DBA system in your room, using your 15" Revel/with Dayton amp and your 2 15" HSU mk2 self-amplified ... 
Upgrading Maggie MGIIIa's to 3.7i - worth it?
I've listened to many Magnepan models over the years but never heard the model IIIs. As I understand it, one of their best features is the true ribbon treble section and one of their worst is being about 25 years old. But I believe you having t... 
Better Subwoofer for 2 channel Music: Focal Utopia Sub or JL Fathom f113
gdnrbob: "I won't speak for Wilson, Focal, or your audiophile friends, but I can say that for Magnepan, Soundlab and Vandersteen, subs, especially Vandersteen subs work extremely well. The use of the high pass filter allows fairly seemless integr... 
There's a lot more bass in a 6.5" driver than most of you think
Hello Erik,     Thanks for the audioxpress article, very interesting about phase and zero phase in recording and playback. It seems like the effects of phase linearity and accuracy are subtle, also.       Yes, I liked dealing with Mike Major of GI... 
Toole and why I like Tone Controls
Hello elliotbnewcombjr,     Let me get this straight, you make all of the adjustments you detailed on your last post every time you decide to enjoy some music?       You certainly don't make all of these fine tuning adjustments on every musical tr... 
There's a lot more bass in a 6.5" driver than most of you think
erik_squires: "I am against religious advocacy of any particular methodology. EQs, room treatment and multiple subs are all useful choices. " Hello Erik,    I'm getting closer to 100% agreement with you on the effectiveness of all 3 methodologies ... 
There's a lot more bass in a 6.5" driver than most of you think
erik_squires:"What you are missing from my argument is bass traps. I never said EQ alone solves all issues, but rather that EQ and room acoustics are complementary."Hello Erik,     You're correct, I should have included bass traps in my post comme... 
Toole and why I like Tone Controls
mijostyn: "The system will follow the appropriate loudness curve depending on the actual volume so no matter what the volume the music sounds exactly the same. Various curves are stored in memory to cover specific problems."Hello mijostyn,     As ... 
Dual Subwoofer Placement
Hello DB,     Makes perfect sense to me.Best wishes,     Tim 
Toole and why I like Tone Controls
Hello jeffjoeblob,          I'm just curious about how you tend to use your tone controls and built-in PEQ, do you have the controls set at specific positions and generally keep them there or do you find yourself adjusting them from song to song o... 
Dual Subwoofer Placement
dbphd:"Tim, the manual for the SMS-1 suggests a variation on the crawl method in which the sub is placed in the listening position and the crawl is with the microphone while watching the video display."Hello DB,    I think the SMS-1 approach is a... 
There's a lot more bass in a 6.5" driver than most of you think
     I'm a big fan of the 3-4 sub distributed bass array (DBA) concept. Although I've only personally used the 4-sub Audio Kinesis Debra DBA system in my system/room, it functions so incredibly well that it's not hard for me to imagine that a 3-... 
So It`s Ok To Mix and Match Ported and Sealed Subwoofers ??
Hello scm,    I'm guessing you're using something like the Revel Gems as your main speakers but, as I stated earlier, it really doesn't matter. You didn't answer my question about your budget, so I'm guessing that means your looking to spend as l...