

Responses from noble100

Useful Information
     How can you tell our Liar in Chief is lying?     His lips are moving.     Trump happens!    But we can flush that big stinky turd in November.  We may need a plumber, though, I doubt any toilet or country has disposed of such a  colossal piec... 
Useful Information
    I tend to doubt such a large minority group of blue-collar, hardworking individuals, even if they were justifiably angry at being neglected by their government for decades, would be naturally drawn to and select to support an individual who in... 
Are big subwoofers viable for 2 channel music?
" Tim would you go for 4x rel 812, swarm or dual rs2 / s7012?"Hello smodtactical,     I'd recommend the Swarm because:1.  It'll be simpler to setup since you'll only need to properly set the volume, cutoff frequency and phase controls once on the... 
Useful Information
"The public may be gullible at times, but they are never that stupid."uberwaltz:" Unfortunately nowadays it does appear that yes they really are that stupid."+1 uberwaltz     Thankfully, the overwhelming majority of voters aren't that stupid.  Bu... 
Are big subwoofers viable for 2 channel music?
Hello smodtactical.     There are many advantages to using 4 subs in what's called a distributed bass array (DBA) system.  Using 4 subs, that are each rated to have a capacity of outputting bass down to 20 Hz, results in no single sub being requir... 
Axe to grind know it alls
Hello George,     Yes, I really (as in actually) thought it was funny.  But I don't think it was really (as in very) funny. I now understand that you assumed he was ticked off at me because he titled his thread "Axe to grind know it alls".     But... 
Axe to grind know it alls
George,     Mean to  ishkabibi?  How was that mean, I meant it humorously?  Do you know him and he told you this?Thanks,   Tim 
Axe to grind know it alls
jetter,     Thank you for the kind words.Tim 
Axe to grind know it alls
    I tend not to agree with the approach of just ignoring trolling or other inconveniences and pettiness we all find ourselves confronted with at various times during our lives.      I prefer to adopt the approach that a little nudge or unexpect... 
Axe to grind know it alls
" Here is an example of a reply to one of my posts.....I posted that High End Audio is Sucking The Romance out of Music....Hello ishkabibil,    "I have no idea what you're talking about but I'm going to teach you how to spend a romantic evening w... 
Axe to grind know it alls
     I consider myself a fragile, sensitive egg wrapped in an incredibly thick, impenetrable and inaccessible skin.     Also as a lesbian trapped in a man's body.Tim 
Happy Scale
"It’s funny. When I was a little boy and told people I was gonna be a comedian, everyone laughed at me. Well, noone’s laughing now." This one's definitely a Yahtzee! Thank you, geoffkait.     Per the thread topic, my first system was a Yamaha CR64... 
Happy Scale
     I believe happiness is a personal choice we all make throughout our lives.Tim 
Modern Architecture/Modern Furniture/Modern Audio System...to share?
     I can't imagine why Tammy would want a divorce from an unpretentious, down to earth guy like you.Tim 
Axe to grind know it alls
     How do I get to the Politics section of this forum?  I'm feelin like riffin. Tim