
Responses from no_money

New Vandersteen oil cooled hybrid amplifiers
That's my thoughts as well meblguy1, you already have a limited market trying to sell an amp, now you have a super high dollar amp that only really works with certain speakers. 
Mark levinson 432
I think you may be correct Will. Hopefully it is just at the connector, or somewhere easy to access / find. Easy local fix without having to ship. 
Mark levinson 432
Oops, I meant "source" : ) What pre amp are you using? The issue could be there as well. These things are always a pain to find. 
Mark levinson 432
Do you have more than one course to try?Swap interconnects, then speaker wires and see if the issue follows, or stays in the same channel. 
New Vandersteen oil cooled hybrid amplifiers
52k a pair, and they basically will only work with 5a or model 7. 
Any suggestions where to find used pair B&W 801D?
You are a great brother. 
First foray into Class A amp -- recommendations
Does your local dealer take in trades? Ask him to keep his eye out for you. Then your not wasting time, and if they also have a service department, it's a lot easier to not have to ship a large power amp if repair is needed. I picked up my pre amp... 
Mark Levinson 332?
Getting a 336 then? I am really enjoying this amp as well. I'm kinda interested in comparing a 326s against the Audio Research RefII now.Try copying the address in to your web browser, it works for me that way. 
Mark Levinson 332? sure if this link will work... It's my first try at this. But, here are the boards. 
Mark Levinson 332?
The 332 opened up the highs a lot, where it was a little rolled off before. I have Martin Logan Ascent, I assume the better performance in to 2 ohms loads is responsible for this? Before the 332 I really had to crank the HPA to get it to liven up.... 
Audio Research pre-amps?
Why not look for a used ref1? 
ARC Ref phono stage.
At this price level it's ridiculous for the dealer not to allow an in home trial of at least a couple of days. 
Ayre V-5xe pops off/Manley Shrimp
Have you tried new tubes in the pre? I had a bad tube in my Audio Research pre cause an amp to shut down. 
How hard is this on a tube pre amp?
It's a live show from PBS... The levels are just crazy low. The funny part is the interviews shown between the live set are Normal, which is loud as heck at the volume needed for the music. 
How hard is this on a tube pre amp?
And speakers are martin logan ascents. Not the most efficient speaker around, but not terrible.