
Responses from nkphoto

Best Bang for your Buck DAC ?
Yup, @jiss49 perfectly well said, was thinking the same. People read half the question, see DAC and start pitching their favorite gear as if they get a prize should the OP end up buying their recommended piece of kit.Disclaimer: I have no idea how... 
Audiophile system for Techno and Dance music
Wondering if you’re a fellow German... love some of those artists you mentioned.Nowhere did I read you need ear-bleeding decibel levels in your moderately sized room. Seems most here equate electronica/techno with clubbing. Maybe a combo of good, ... 
1st Album you Ever Owned?
Grew up in Frankfurt Germany, born 1968.I may fail to remember what I did for my birthday or New Year’s the previous year, so this fun thread says something about the significance of music in my and everyone else’s life posting here.First album wa... 
Versatile, non-fatiguing speakers for a small room under $1500 used or new: advice needed!
My main listening room (aka NYC bedroom...) is the same size as yours.I have read each and every response here, always curious to learn how other, more seasoned audiophiles are dealing with the “tiny room conundrum”.Many great suggestions, some I ... 
The most criminal practice in the speaker industry revealed!! Keep reading
Thoughts on Peachtree Audio Nova300
For what it's worth, I have owned the Nova300 for well over three years and have not experienced any defects, knock on wood. I agree with previous posters that the volume control is pretty "funky" but not a deal breaker in my opinion. Two features... 
Need helpful recommendations for next two purchases
If all you need is an "endpoint" for playng online music using Roon or Tidal or Spotify etc etc, and you are not hung up on mega high res files, the simplest and cheapest route could be a ChromeCast Audio (or Apple TV 3rd gen if you are an Apple p... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Ike Quebec - Bossa Nova Soul Samba 
Need expert advice re: loud pops.
@rodman99999  Sorry, of course you DID suggest another possibility. Did not go unnoticed.. 
Need expert advice re: loud pops.
@akg_ca @rodman99999 @oldears   Thank you all very much for your input! Since yesterday I have been trying to replicate the pops, at times kneeling like an idiot in front of my speakers to be right there when it happens to determine if it's coming... 
Who, do you think, designs the best looking tube-based devices?
@galacticmayan   oooh, yeah, that's a beauty. Will add to my list of stuff I want but can't afford. Gorgeous! 
Need expert advice re: loud pops.
@rodman99999 thank you, good idea!@ohlala good question. I just started up the system and am waiting for it too replicate. I thought it was both but now that you ask I am not certain. Still wondering, before knowing anything else, is it theoretica... 
Powered Bluetooth speakers under $600
Coming in at the top end of your budget at 600 are the Vanatoo Transparent One Encore, which I heard at an audio show in NY last year and their sound blew my mind. One day when funds allow I will most likely replace my little Audioengine A2+ with ... 
Been away for a while, need some help
Solid choice! ...and do watch that video at some point, has lots of good info on streaming in general... 
Been away for a while, need some help
Hello from photographer to photographer… as per usual, there are already lots of good suggestions here. I certainly would echo @fuzztone that whatever streamer/Dac you end up with, have it connected directly to the network. Depending on what contr...