
Responses from nineballg

Recommendation Speaker Cable around $1000-$2000
B&W 802d Misleading Information and Scammers
like the other guys have said. be very careful not to damage your speakers with underpowered gear. with such high end speakers, i dont know why one would even consider powering them the way you are. its a serious mismatch and if you were to ever c... 
BEL The Wire
213-509-0738. his name is sal. he is the new owner of bel and he can make you what you need.cheers 
Clear Day cables vs. Morrow Audio Cables
hi goose, if you decide to go with the clear day, you might like this: 
How do you amp your system?
i used to run all separates for HT but have downgraded to a receiver. either way i would always want to power all my speakers with the SAME amp/receiver to insure proper timbre matching. sub powers itself.however, it does boil down to your level o... 
Reason for selling is...
remember this is a hobbie and variety is the spice of life!!!who like same ol' same ol' day in day out. 
am i done ?
this hobby is a disease...but its still fun. we are never done unless you run out of money!!! 
Power Cords - Just Say Yes
yes! cables make a difference. if you dont use a power conditioner or power regenerator, you should notice that your cdp power cord upgrade will give you the biggest sound improvement. 
Stereo sub amp recommendations
hi, i use a jbl synthesis S400 amp. 200x2 or bridged 400x1. 4 and 8 ohm switch on the rear. these amps were used for dual subs in the mega buck jbl synthesis systems. one was just on ebay but i cant find it now. it was $350 which is a smokin deal.... 
Surround Speaker Question
to theo, i totally agree with you. you have the perfect set up which is why i think directs will work well. 110 degrees is a bit behind your listening position and it is highly recommended. also, having all your speakers positioned the same distan... 
Clear Day double shot-gun vs. black orpheous NOLA
yes! clear day give it a try. paul is such a great pleasure to deal with. 
Surround Speaker Question
you all make valid points. there are many factors to proper speaker set up. i think that matching your surrounds are the way to go. i agree that unmatched surrounds will compromise proper timber someone else and dipole ... 
One SVS PB13Ultra or two SB13 Ultras?
hi,i used to run a pb13 ultra. i then sold it and went to 2 lesser quality matching separate subs. i could not get a smooth response with one sub. i needed one in front of my listening postition and one behind to get a smooth response.i miss the p... 
Recommendation for new 5-ch Amp
look at the theta dreadnaught I. killer for both ht and 2ch 
b&w vs m&k opinions please
hi felix?, thanks for commenting. the set came up and i had to satisfy my curiosity. after i passed on your set i went with the m&k line. i went from s125's to s100b's and then s-5000thx. the 5000's are unbelievable and the b&w's are just ...