
Responses from nighthawk

Jumpers vs bi-wire
Inpep, not quite. In a bi-wire setup, the signal starts out the same at the amp end, but the signal at the bass terminals will be slightly less in amplitude than the one at the tweeter terminals due to the voltage drop in the wire caused by the hi... 
Jumpers vs bi-wire
Xenithon, I think you should experiment. Do what sounds best. I would try the low cable pair on the middle posts, the high cable pair on the high posts, and put a jumper or plate between the middle and bottom posts. This should give you the smooth... 
Jumpers vs bi-wire
Inpep, with a speaker designed for bi-wiring, the crossover network doesn't bridge the high and low speaker terminals. Yes, they do see the same frequency content. However, the high-pass filter network goes to the tweeter (and maybe mids) while th... 
Jumpers vs bi-wire
Inpep, nope it's not the same. The gauge of the wire is irrelevant. The high frequency currents are much less in magitude than the low frequency currents. Assume the amp is an ideal voltage source. It's output is no different whether you bi-wire o... 
Jumpers vs bi-wire
Flickkit, it doesn't quite work that way. The point of bi-wiring is to have the currents that flow through the high-frequency drivers travelling in a different wire than the currents for the low frequency drivers. If it was wired as you suggest it... 
Expensive interconnects
MWilson, I agree with you that most components that tout neutrality aren't. However, it has been my experience that the closer you get to neutral for the individual components, the easier it is to hit it systemwise, by using cables that are slight... 
Point to point wiring.
Ralph, are the high voltages involved also a factor? It seems it would be trickier to maintain proper clearances on a PCB than by using wire. 
Anyone heard the AAD line of speaker?
I've heard them and was not impressed. Though they are designed by the same guy, the Soliloquys sound a lot better. I have Soliloquy 6.5s and could not detect any family resemblance between the c800i and the 6.5. The c800i was very boxy, dull, and... 
most analog sounding CDP
Meridian G08. Fatigue-free without losing dynamics or detail, which is tough to do. Great 3D soundstage. A very musical player. I've had mine about 6 months. It took about 3 months to break in (300 hours est.). More people should hear this thing -... 
Building from scratch... why not go 6.1 or 7.1?
It's not likely you'll notice much difference in a room that size. I only have 4.1 (no center), with the surrounds in the rear corners on 30" stands, and surround effects are quite impressive. Seats are 3' from the rear wall and the room is about ... 
Jolida 1501 sound gone from great to eh. Help
Try rotating your system 90 degrees so your speakers are on the short wall. Set them about 7 feet apart and about 3 feet out from the wall. Sit about 10 feet away. This should help your imaging and overall tonal balance. I think the room is also b... 
What cables are recommended for Rowland M201's?
I think you're mainly hearing tonal balance differences between components. The Krell/ARC tonal balance may have complemented the ProAc better than the Rowland/Wadia for your taste. In my experience nobody makes a truly neutral component. In order... 
Switching and linear power supplies in hi-fi
Andy2, sorry for such a cryptic question, but I wasn't sure if you were interested in switchers because of marketing hype or had a technical reason. I see you DO know something about the technical differences between the two types.You are quite co... 
What cables are recommended for Rowland M201's?
I think I've spotted your problem. You need some speakers. When you get some, tell us what they are and ask the question again. 
Switching and linear power supplies in hi-fi
Andy2, do you perceive switchers to be more desirable than linears, or vice versa, and why?