
Responses from nigeltheflash

why expensive streamers
@grislybutter Cool, glad to help. The signal coming out of the streamer containing 1s and 0s does incorporate a timing element. Jitter is therefore a “thing” from the streamer onwards in a way it isn’t up to that point.  
why expensive streamers
 @cleeds Quite possibly but if ethernet protocols didn’t sort this then the internet wouldn’t work. Error checking and correction are built in. The streamer input side deals with this so the output side doesn’t have to.  
why expensive streamers
@grislybutter Slow and thick? I doubt it! RFI noise accompanying but not part of the digital signal. It can arise anywhere along the playback chain and is why many people choose to incorporate an optical connection or a switch close to their stre... 
why expensive streamers
If we focus purely on the 1's and 0's arriving at the DAC in the correct, unmolested sequence then we can relax as all streamers will sound the same; all we then need to do is pick the streamer with an app/user interface which we like most. Unfor... 
why expensive streamers
Far too much sense being talked here: I think I need to find a thread with a bit more nonsense! Some great posts.  
Innuos Zen vs Pulse
@tholt IMHO, absolutely the right decision. Relax and enjoy! 🤗  
Innuos Zen vs Pulse
I have the Zen Mini Mk3 with a hotrodded Zen Mini PSU in my northern (England) pad and a Pulse Mini with same hotrodded Zen Mini PSU here in the midlands. I compared them for streaming and they sound identical to me into dCS into ATC actives. I’m ... 
why expensive streamers
The streamer is the first point at which timing (jitter) becomes a thing. It's job is to unpack the packets/frames of data which arrive asynchronously and convert them into a bitstream. An highly accurate clock at this point can have a huge impact... 
Importance of clocking
Streamer onwards we want a clock, external or internal, which is very low noise and very accurate. Up to the streamer we merely want a clock, external or internal, which is very low noise.  
Importance of clocking
🙏 Thanks @greg_f - I agree!  
Importance of clocking
@greg_f Great post. Indeed, short vs long term stability is a key concern as dCS are particularly keen to point out. This is in the bitstream domain though. Neither applies to the asynchronous ethernet domain. The streamer is where clocking, jitt... 
Importance of clocking
@antigrunge2 I said "I fully accept that an external clock might improve sound quality. I don’t accept that the reason for this has anything to do with the accuracy of the clock. That’s all" You said "Congratulations on inventing a negative inver... 
Importance of clocking
@cleeds It could, but I'm now unfollowing the thread so will only be notified if someone mentions me.  
Importance of clocking
Peace, brother @lalitk! I fully accept that an external clock might improve sound quality. I don’t accept that the reason for this has anything to do with the accuracy of the clock. That’s all. Think about or investigate what a streamer does. It... 
Importance of clocking
As you know, it takes two to argue. I'm merely reasserting my position every time you reassert yours. On my logic, the accuracy of the clock in the ethernet domain is irrelevant to sound quality. I absolutely do not assert that the clock is super...