
Responses from nico_g

Gamut M250 MK3
Hello,I ould like to have informations about the sonic differences between the D200 mkIII and the M250 mkIII.I actually own a D200 mkIII with my Tannoy GRF and I'm very pleased with it.I have the opportunity to buy M250 mkIII amps but is it a good... 
Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???
Price change is maybe only for USA. In Europe prices are high enough ;-) 
Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???
The last informations are that the "official" prices would be unchanged, like when the X.5 replaced the X amps.Here in Europe, there was no discount on Pass, so no change for us ! 
Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???
I have found a pdf of the XA100.5 : 2 big differences are :selectable gain : 26 or 30 db (the XA100 has only 26 db gain) and a much higher max current : 28 A against 5 A. This point should bring a bette... 
Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???
I've found some links to XA100.5 in Japan : seems to be available in Toronto too :h... 
Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???
Still no news of the XA.5 amps ?I've seen on some japan sites that the XA100.5 is presented.I'm waiting for the XA160.5... 
Gryphon Antileon vs Antileon Signature
Hi Mavilla,do you Antileon monos or Antileon mono Signature ?How old are your amps ? 
Help My Krell amp is too big.
Hiernote : you confirm that the Evo 402 is really better sounding thant the fpb series amps ? On what particular point ?Thanks for help. 
Question about Accuphase A60 amp
Bomberman,the A60 is a very good option for me, I agree with you.My only concern with this amp, is that Accuphase had recently upgraded some of their amps like the P7100, with a new input stage topology, called MCS+.Though the real audio advantage... 
Question about Accuphase A60 amp
Bomberman : thanks for your answer,My speakers have 15" woofers in a big volume (300 liters) : TANNOY GRF.So, the bass control of the A60 could be a concern for me.Do you have compared this amp to other recent amps like Krell Evo402 (and even fpb-... 
Question about Accuphase A60 amp
Thnaks for your answer, ooslik.I think my choice is almost done : I have seen a reseller today that propose me a fair price...What is your speaker, for my information ? 
Question about Accuphase A60 amp
Nobody has a A60 amp ?The users of A50 or A50V could answer too, because thoses amps are very close of the A60, IMHO. 
Gryphon Antileon vs Antileon Signature
Stereotaipei : not interested in my proposition ? 
Gryphon Antileon vs Antileon Signature
If you are not using it, could you consider to sell it ?I could be interested ! 
Gryphon Antileon vs Antileon Signature
I see only 3 little defaults on the Antileon :- it's getting very hot,- the gain is a little to high for my use : it's over 30db, and I would have prefered around 25db,- there is no french distributor, so a technical problem would be difficult to ...