
Responses from nickt

Mono blocks vs 2ch stereo single amp / Krell
I once had the 400cx. I liked it alot so I upgraded to the 450mcx. The difference was easily heard with more bass, bigger soundstage, and less strain. Yes I thought the upgrade was worth the money but I also had speakers that were hard to drive.I ... 
New Cowboy Junkies- Wow
Jond,I was driving them w/ Cary 805C. I never thought I lacked any bass until I decided to add a sub one day and see what it did. I know you dont need more bass but a sub added more than just bass. Instruments were fuller and rounder. Soundstage w... 
Best speakers for Classical music under 10k used
A local friend of mine is all about Classical music and he had tried many speakers including the Eidolons before he finally kept the Talon Firebirds w/ diamond tweeters. They can be found around your price range at this time. 
New Cowboy Junkies- Wow
Thanks Jond. I will go buy it this weekend. I had your speakers before. If you add a sub to them, you would thank me later. I would try a Rel first. 
New Cowboy Junkies- Wow
Jond,Besides the wonderful songs, how is the recording? Give me a scale between 1 and 5 if you could. Thanks. 
Please recommend Best MM catridge
Thank you guys. I think the Sumiko Blackbird could be the one! My phono section has a gain of 40db at 1000Hz. Do you think that's enough to drive this mc? Nick t 
Shunyata taipan or Python, for BAT?
I love powercords and have tried many cords over the last four years: Electraglide, Elrod, Shunyata mainly. Now I use all the above in my system. Ana. Vx on cdp, Epiphany on Pre and Elrods on amps and conditioner. What I have learned is adding cor... 
Which cable to change first-intercon. or speaker?
Hi,If possible, you should find a local dealer that would be kind enough to loan you a set of ICs and Speaker cables to find out for yourself? Keep the same price range so you could have a fair comparision. Have fun.Nick T 
Where do you find new music?
I go to Barnes & Noble. They let you listen to any cds you wish prior to buying. 
Wadia direct into amp, Sound a bit too lean??
hi JerryI think your system would benefit from a Rowland Synergy Preamp. A friend of mine has the Synergy and I think it's great. 
Wadia direct into amp, Sound a bit too lean??
Hi JerryI think unless you are willing to add a decent preamp, no cables will give your the body and air that you are looking for.I also own the same cdp so I am speaking from my own experience. 
surround sound system with two speakers ?
You can but most movies are recorded in 5.1 mode so when you only have two speakers you will have to buy a processor that would take all those information into your only two speakers. I tried w/ two speakers and trust me you dont want to go there. 
Best caps for speaker crossover?
I'm in heaven:just got Pass X 250,5
hiWhat speakers do you have? 
Can you recommend a universal player for my system
Denon 2910