
Responses from nglazer

has anyone tried ultrabit platinum on their cds
Another vote for L'Art du Son. It removes any "digititis" on CD's and makes them sound eminently natural and rich. It really is magical stuff, and I was an avowed skeptic before using it. FWIW, I think its a Harry Pearson favorite as well.Neal 
Received my Wadia i170 transport today.
I have had mine for about 3 weeks now. See my comments on July 1 thread. I am using a LessLoss PC (with adaptor to iTransport and a Kharma Grand Ref digicable from iTransport to Dodson 218 DAC. On CD's ripped in Apple Lossless format, it is very d... 
Ipod Dock with direct out?????
Uclaid,I am not sure I understand your criticism about no access to iPod library without switching mode to analog. I have no trouble going from a Playlist to e.g., Shuffle songs in my main library without switching output mode to Analog. I just di... 
Krell KCT/FPB-300cx vs. Pass Labs X1/X250.0
Dave,I do not know what Krell service is like currently (no pun intended) as I thankfully have not needed service. But the problems I have read about seem to involve products with moving parts, e.g., CD, SACD players, where some of the components,... 
Krell KCT/FPB-300cx vs. Pass Labs X1/X250.0
Do not have those speakers or the Krell pre, but I do have the 300cx and it is a superb, musical -- yes, musical -- amp with tons of power for full range speakers.Don't listen to what some of the carpers say about Krell until you listen to it. Min... 
Ipod Dock with direct out?????
I'll see what I can do, Justin, without voiding the warranty.Neal 
Ipod Dock with direct out?????
Justin,I ordered it from Music Direct about 1 and 1/2 mos. ago. I received a UPS notification that MD has shipped a package to me, which I am assuming is the iTransport. Stay tuned.And yes, I am going to compare it to sound of the same CD's throug... 
Ipod Dock with direct out?????
I should be receiving my Wadia iTransport tomorrow and will be running it into my Dodson 218 DAC which re-clocks the signal before the conversion stage. My iPod contains some songs that were ripped directly from CD's using Apple Lossless, and othe... 
Transistor Preamp that sounds like a Tube Preamp?
C-J PF-R. I still have mine after about 15 years (used in my BR sytem)and it is the best of tubes and SS qualities. If you see one used, grab it.Neal 
Interconnects with smooth highs 4 Manley Stingray
AQ Sky's provide smooth, melodic yet detailed highs. I think they are a very underrated cable, principally because they do nothing wrong and do not grab you by the lapels to get your attention. Very livable cables, easily forgettable, and that is ... 
Good Digital cable RCA , suggestion
After trying nearly all the biggies, Stealth Sextet took the prize. Many here would agree. AZ MC2 is not bad, but not in same league as Stealth.Neal 
Looking for a very focused power cord
The Nordost alhalla and Brahma cables are "warmer" and more full-bodied than the IC's, while maintaining the speed and detail for which IC's are famous. Of the 2, the Brahma is warmer, but I think the Valhalla has the best combo of detail, body an... 
Lessloss PC for digital source or power amp?
I am using on preamp, which all sources run through. This PC is the real deal, even with minimal burn-in.Neal 
Help: getting around balanced inputs on pre/pro?
I use BAT RCA/XLR adaptors with AQ Sky IC's and after a short burn-in period I could hear no difference.Neal 
Help with finding ultra-transparent pre-amp
Wyetech Pre. I think the Jade is in your price range. I have the Opal and it is as fast, dynamic and neutral as you will find in an SS or tube pre. No balanced ins or outs, though.Neal