
Responses from natalie

Speaker match for 75 watt Tenor amps
Everytime I heard Coincidents with OTL is was imprsessive. A friend recently went from a Jadis to OTL he uses Coincident. He raves about the Coincident OTL sound. 
Speaker match for 75 watt Tenor amps
Good choice. Stay as far away from a Horn as is humanly possible. If you like only midrange go for it. If you want the whole pie Verity is a great choice so is the Coincident. Shame you cant try them side by side. Let the best one win. 
Sibilance how do I get rid of it?
The 3 times I have heard Dynaudio Speakers they allways struck me as Sibilant. SS amps do not help matters. 
Retail pricing in classified ads
The guys who run this site should police it. They control every thing else. 
Speaker Cable Feet: Suggestions?
Fiddler Ceramic is ceramic. Porcelin is something different.And the dialectric makes no difference. They are just lying on top of it. 
Speaker Cable Feet: Suggestions?
Ceramic Insulators for high power power lines work very well. Home Depot sells them .You Just have to losen the bolts that hold them in the metal body. These work very well and are cool looking. 
Why vinyl?
I belive there is a happy medium and both can co exist quit nicely.I have over 800 Lp's the cost to replace them made my choice to buy a Turntable a no brainer.When I want to get the best out of music I spin Viynl, When I want convinince I load up... 
New to tubes-what the heck does NOS mean?
Buyer Beware. Be careful lots of old out of spec tubes being sold as NOS. They ar NOS but where not to factory spec. Being passed of as the OLD Classics. They have the name but not the sound. 
Visiting Edmonton
Thanks I just checked the web site Looks like a great place. 
Best tube amp for my system ---- 1k used????
No reason to be embarassed. 
making your own power cord
The Crump Assylum Cord replaced all the JPS cords I had. The JPS retial for 449.00 each.Go to the Assylum and get the makes the crump cords 
DAC for Rega Planet 2000
Philjolet, who ever told you that does not know of what he speaks. The 2000 is a very very good player at its price point and even 500/1000 above in lots of cases wont get you better.A 500.00 DAC even A Bel CANTO that reatils for 1k + wont do it. 
Power Conditioner deleterious to digital sources?
Good point guys.One other thing I have found is very important. Your digital source should be on its own outlet. Thats one of the resons it sounded better when you removed the Pre. 
Members without scruples- a continuation
Your so correct Octopus.Audiogon feedback is one of the largest jokes on the internet.It is totaly useless.The bone heads who run this site need to put a proper system in place. Rives on ebay you can only leave fedback on a completed transaction. ... 
DAC for Rega Planet 2000
Nothing for 500 or less will improve the sound on the 2000.Selling the planet and adding 500.00 might get you closer