

Responses from nandric

The greatest MM and MI cartridges ....
Dear Professor, 'outrageous Balkan exaggerarion'? If youmean the watermelon then you missed my intention. Thiswas an 'exit strategy statement' based on Von Clausewitz . Ie that our Balkan conviction regarding the 'bigger is better' issue apply onl... 
The greatest MM and MI cartridges ....
Dear Professor, There are some 'things' which go togehter.The Balkan humour is not without implicit premises. Onthe Balkans we all are convinced that bigger is better. I always buy there watermelons of at least 6kgr...for myself that is.Never thou... 
The greatest MM and MI cartridges ....
Dear Professor, thanks for your kindness and technical explanation. May I deduce that the actual situation is/was even more complex than I assumed ? Ie three versions withnearly the same nomenclature? Those, as you call them 'bigblocks', are still... 
A Copernican View of the Turntable System
Ct0517, Sorry but it is the other way round. But he has huge potential as is obvious from the MC thread: 'Damn it! Me making the same error by nature (aka German) again andagain'.The problem is however not the quality but the quantity. To be regar... 
The greatest MM and MI cartridges ....
Dear Professor, The nomenclature of many MM brands is noteasy to understand much less to remember. The LPM 320;315;312 we refered to as 'long nose' in order to distinguish them from the earlier models with the same numbers but different looks. I n... 
does a stylus retip makea cartridge as good as new
Tbromgard, You are obviously talking about MM carts. In this case you buy a new stylus. With an MC cart of,say, $2500 this relationship is $250 for the retip or $2500 for the new one.Regards, 
The greatest MM and MI cartridges ....
Dear Daniel, Damn it! From all my German friends only Syntax seems to like the Balkan humour. The other two are probable too refined to mess with the Balkans?Cheers, 
does a stylus retip makea cartridge as good as new
Dopoque, This is the the same information I got from anDutch retip service. Already imply in my first post. Butthere is no condition to my knowledge like 'under certaincircumstances'. There are persons who insist on replacemtof the stylus only. So... 
The greatest MM and MI cartridges ....
Dear Daniel, I understand that you wanted to 'cut -away'some reading in the MM thread and invented your own way out. I am aware of your lack of spare time. But you could ask me to ask Raul this same question. Assuming of course that Raul has no ve... 
does a stylus retip makea cartridge as good as new
Buconero117, Your answer is not very clear to me. May I assume that your advice is to replace the whole cantilever/stylus in case of aluminum catilever? If so then we obviously agree. Why then 'no',etc?Regards, 
does a stylus retip makea cartridge as good as new
Well 'necessarily so' because the styli wear out and nobody want to ruin his LP's. But it is also necessary to be very careful with the choice of the retip service. According to my information they buy the complete cantilever/stylus combos from th... 
The greatest MM and MI cartridges ....
Dear Professor, No questions except one. The question markshould be put after 'Any other question' not after 'Nikolamy good friend?' Ie I am still proud to be your friend.Regards, 
The greatest MM and MI cartridges ....
I am not able to understand the 'sense' of such listof carts. One can describe the 'çonditions' or criteria which some carts need to satisfy in order to be on whatever list but the 'initial conditions' presuppose that the most of usare familiar wi... 
electrostats vs ribbon drivers
Dear Florianw, I forget to mention. In the analog forum Ihave three German friends (Dertonarm,Syntax and Thuchan)andmy recommendation is to visit us there. I am sure you willthan exchange your Ortofon Rondo for something better.Regards, 
electrostats vs ribbon drivers
Dear Florianw, We all, I assume, reason from some premiseswhich are usualy implicit. Only in the USA, I thought, acommon sitzen can live in a palace. In Europe only kingslive in a palace. Even a castle is not (pre) supposed forthe commons. Only re...