

Responses from nandric

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Don, there are even economic theories about 'rewards'.However the notion 'waiting' (for the reward) is also involved. So I bought 'some' shares 'some' time ago and was waiting for those (promissed)rewards...In some sense my Acutex 420 ( plura... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Whatever kind of music and artist one prefer we all, I assume, want to hear them in the best possible way (personal financial limitations presupposed). This is thehardware part of our hobby. The strange thing is, at list in my experinece, that pro... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Don, The most simple division of people is in optimistand pessimist. You know : those who see in the Swiss cheeseonly cheese versus those who see only holes. Or those whodescribe a bottle of whisky as halfull versus half-empty.If the Italian ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hi Don, Thanks for your kindness. Is 'Crimson' btw thesynonym for the 'reddish wood' kind or do you imply toown three Vituosos? I am still waiting for the Italian response reg. the wrong Pizza delivery. My Virtuoso black with pressure fitted nude ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear all, Dertonarm is used to say: 'science is a cruel mistress.' By my 'scientific' measurement of Acutex 420 and 412 carts I discovered that two of my 420 boxes containtwo 412 carts. Ie the styli are red instead of black. WhileI am very proud r... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Fleib, I would never dream to connect a Voltmeter withany of my carts. Scared to burn the coils. But my trust inyou is such that I made my first electronic measurement.Both the 420 and the 412 are: 427/432 and 433/432 Ohm(?). I avoided any 't... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul, If the measurements you mentioned 'mean nothing'you should at least explain what you mean by 'tuning', 'voicing' or whatever. This looks to me as a unscientific way of thinking. Ie one can state what one like with reference to 'tuning',... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hi all, to me all of those Acutex kinds look the same quacorpus. Anyway those from 312-320 or from 412-420. It isthen reasonable to (pre)suppose that only the styli are different. One may speculate about 'tuning', 'voicing' or whatever but one can... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hi Don, We in Europe have no idea what 'Red Fenambuk' meansbut well to what rosewood refers to. Something like 'theevening star' versus 'the morning star' I assume. However when my rosewood Virtuoso get the 'new clothes' it will look much more ele... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hi Dgob, I am this hobby for more then 40 years but neverthought about the retip of a new cart...However the expression 'upgrade' provide for a 'totally' different context. No to stay behind I intend to ask Axel for the nude Shibata in a beryllium... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear all, for those interested in retip service by AxelI 'composed' the following list:1. spherical diamond /aluminum cantilever 89 Euro.2. elliptical stylus /aluminum cantilever 99 E.3. nude line diamond /aluminum cantilevr 159 E.4. hyper ellipti... 
Turntable speed accuracy
Dear Halcro, 'but the way many are discussing ...strobes (versus) Timeline...symply leaves me open-mouthed.'You are suggesting the lack of intellect while it is about simple psychology. A phenomenon which can be observed in nearly any thread.Regards, 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Danny, No need to apology we all, except of course ourProfessor, have problems with the nomenclature of the Acutex carts. I was even sure that the M312 is identical with my previous M 312 and M 315. Ie the 'block' kind in contradistiction to ... 
Upgrade from Audio Physic Virgos to ???
Hi Mikelikehk, To make a choice one need to know first whatto compare. In your case you should listen to both, at least. The Calderas can be get in Europe for +/- 4000 Euro.So I assume that they are cheaper in the USA then FocusAudio. To give you ... 
Upgrade from Audio Physic Virgos to ???
The best Audio Physic speakers are still the Virgo II andthe Caldera I and II. If you can get the Caldera (there isno difference between I and II) you will be a happy guy.Regards,