
Discussions myraj has started

ElectrocompanietEMC1 vs. ResolutionAudio Opus21?31595
best 1-source pre-amp w/remote - $700-$2000 used?51339
recommend a simple but hi-quality active pre-amp?37397
How do I set/adjust the bias on my tube amp?70606
Have you had buyers/sellers back out of a deal?751623
Which best 5U4GB rectifier tube- Mesa Boogie or ??391824
New to tubes-how to handle? By the glass or base?24833
why does only one 300b tube glow Blue at the top?53394
New to tubes-what the heck does NOS mean?526818
Least cost way to send amp to USA from Belgium?21405
best used HT receiver for 200 or less?24003
What were your SACD impressions at NY show?34448
What's most important to WAF-size, shape, finish?551530
Help identify/find this non-US spkr manufacturer?329512
Why get an expensive tuner?Am I missing something?295511