
Responses from mylogic

Which subwoofer should I get?
soix l have heard a few Paradigm subs many years ago. l think you have misunderstood my comments on Rels….. All their models offer hi-level AND low level inputs! l use hi-level for two channel hi-fi and that’s the end of story for me. For home ... 
Which subwoofer should I get?
Easy to part fools from their money…. l mean $20k for a sub? Anyhow this platform is for giving advice as we see it and opinions and beliefs. Horses for courses, you pays your money and takes your choice. My advice opinion was directed to ‘mwsl... 
Which subwoofer should I get?
mwsl l have the manuals for various Rel subs but it is so difficult to post photos on Audiogon. l started with a Rel Quake in the early 2000s and over this time since then l now have two T9i’s in my latest set up. Rel are more expensive than the... 
Which subwoofer should I get?
mwsl   l would say the RCA outs for sub connection from your amplifier would probably be low level not hi. Stick with hi level for pure Hi-Fi stereo.   Rels hi level Neutrik connection is for direct connection to your speaker out terminals (or... 
Some thoughts on dust covers
Am l am correct in thinking that Rega and Project turntables are light weight minimalist designs? They certainly look like featherweights in the hi-fi boxing ring…. Maybe that’s why they shy off covers? Highly likely they already know that their ... 
Some thoughts on dust covers
And various test scenarios. One lid up, one lid down and for good measure one lid off   You seem good to go on this one. Please let us know (if you care to) your  summations on the differences if any?  
Some thoughts on dust covers
The big question now is…..Has anyone’s opinion changed?  
"Cleaning" Vinyl Makes It Worse Not Better!
Hi dogberry, l do take your point for the usefulness of shaving products on the ‘platter’ but the thread was about cleaning vinyl originally. However a healthy clean platter will aid clean vinyl.   mmm, has now got me to thinking on the same lin... 
Some thoughts on dust covers
lewm What l meant was RB was one point ahead of the field.   Also it was not my original point….. It was ‘billstevenson’ who posted this thread !   And l see a few posts back, billstevenson is having a laugh too !  
Some thoughts on dust covers
Anyone getting back to the real question posted on this thread?   Theres been so much off track mumbo-jumbo on furnishings, table/chairs, record clamps and TV innuendo. This just shouldn’t be here! Point on task was simple, ‘dust covers’ on or ... 
Some thoughts on dust covers
‘richardbrand’ has a head start with the answer so far l think. Exposing a record for the least amount of time is paramount.  1 - 0 to Richard.  
"Cleaning" Vinyl Makes It Worse Not Better!
dogberry   this thread is about ‘’Cleaning’’ vinyl, not to shave or not, that is not the question!  
Some thoughts on dust covers
Elliot your bias compensator is way off…. This thread is about turntable covers … on or off!  
Some thoughts on dust covers
I believe the previous post is hi-jacking this debate. I thought we were talking about turntables cover on or off?   Anyway, back on track please…..   oldaudiophile, you are a kindred spirit. I believe entirely what you say. I replied to the ... 
Some thoughts on dust covers
I can only comment on the original post in regard to on or off with dust covers….. That Thorens engineer was covering up (literally) the original design problem with that model of deck….. Which manufacturer would not allow a tolerance for eccent...