

Responses from mwjones

Peeking inside a Carver Crimson 275 Tube Amplifier
funky54: exactly. Several of our forum mates now find themselves in a very uncomfortable position & empathy for them is the order of the day.    
Peeking inside a Carver Crimson 275 Tube Amplifier
I posted this on the Klipsch forum and I think its holds true here as well: At the end of the day, I have yet to see anyone on any forum say the amp does not sound fantastic. While it's tough to see what may have happened, isn't that why we do wh... 
Peeking inside a Carver Crimson 275 Tube Amplifier
"it just gets distorted at lower frequencies, probably leading to "punchy" bass. And Bob argues that most have subwoofers and won't be using them below 80." Does this really help? All anyone wants to see is the transformer & its label...  
What to use between Devore Gibbon 3x and its dedicated stand?
I had these speakers and dedicated stands. Assuming you are speaking of the factory bamboo stands, the four little grey pads come form Devore. They are, IMHO, dense foam pads to decouple the speaker from the stand. I would avoid blu-tak as it may ... 
Which Harbeths?
My experience is exactly the same as conlad. I don't believe you'll be disappointed with either speaker. 
Dedicated 20a lines, 125 feet distance, which gauge wire to run?
Call an electrician and install what code says. Anything here that is spot on with your local requirements is merely coincidence. 
Any reviews of Sound Sellers of Marinette WI?
My experience was the same as Greethemind's. No problems and just as promised. 
Dream Speakers = landed. Now I need to feed them!
This is the second thread tonight that says "buy reputable Chinese, like Woo Audio..."Woo Audio is from New York!Woo AudioLong Island City, NY 111011-917-773-8645As to the OP,  I think he is on the right track with a 300b system. Plenty of bottom ... 
Class D for a Tube Lover
I primarily listen through Cary tube amps but on a whim, I purchased a Bel Canto Evo2 for my LaScalas. It runs stone cold and provides an incredibly black background with a slightly warm presentation. Sufficient power and nuance to pair with Harbe... 
Amplifier brand/designer with the most unique and consistent “house sound?”
"McIntosh has quite the house sound. Muddy and grainy or lush and detailed. Depending on how much you're drinking."I love it.Conrad Johnson has literally sounded the same for 40 years. From a PV2AR & MV45A to ET3SE and MF 2550SE, more refined ...