Responses from mwasilow
Warning: Thank you for the warning! I was going to purchase a 4 tier audio stand! I am always leeryof buying product directly from China....... I purchased something from Russia on eBay and took 6 months to receive a refund. Stick to home when buying....... | |
Warning: Thank you for the warning! I was going to purchase a 4 tier audio stand! I am always leeryof buying product directly from China....... | |
Best DAC / Budget Mano2 is no such a product!!! | |
Best DAC / Budget Mani DAC, no wonder there are problems! Modi is a Phone amp!If you are looking for the best DAC for the buck is a Bifrost2! We have done a blind test with DAC’s up to $5k in price. Bifrost 2 won all test every time. | |
What would be your favorite 3 tracks that demonstrate how great your system sounds? Tinny Tim: Tip Toe thru the Tulips. | |
Two defective pieces in a row - unreasonable to demand refund? I bought a new C49 and the remote was missing from the box. They sent me a remote and tried the unit and the headphone jacked hummed, so I returned the unit for a refund! Completely turned me off to McIntosh. | |
Need preamp suggestion I see Mickeyb is still thinking his Realistic $99.00 receiver is considered high end! LOL | |
Need preamp suggestion Schiit Freya Plus is the best Pre-amp you can buy for any price! | |
Streamer wanted Don't waste your money! Stick to Cd! Streaming quality is still not as good as CD's. | |
Recommend a dac that contributes to system for tight bass SCHIIT BIFROST 2! YOU CAN'T GET A BETTER DAC FOR THE MONEY!!!!! | |
Recommend a dac that contributes to system for tight bass SCHIIT BIFROST 2! YOU WON'T HEAR ANYTHING BETTER FOR THE MONEY! | |
Why would 2 schiit aegir amps sound the same as 1? There is a detailed article and video about this with New Day Record with Ron!If you have 90db or greater you won't need 2 Aegirs but if you are using 90db or less efficientyou need 2.Watch the video, he uses Freya Plus+ and Bifrost 2 and 2 Aegirs... | |
FTC may end amplifier rule! ACTION NEEDED You mean the 1,000,000 watts RMS per channel they told me my amp had wasn't true? | |
Looking for a tube Preamp new or used for under $2000... SCHIIT FREY PLUS BEST PREAMP for $10k or less. A measly $899with 5 year warranty | |
Best type of metal for turntable platform? Alum is best. metal rings. |