Responses from mvrooman1526
Upgrade preamp? Thank you jjss49. The Conrad Johnson looks like an interesting option. Funny you mention the Herron as I was looking at one yesterday. I've never heard one and the lack of reviews makes me a tad nervous. @georghifi, i read that you want to hav... | |
What makes a DAC so expensive? @jjss49 I started out with Schitt Vidar monoblocks and a Schitt Freya+ preamps with a Node 2I functioning as my DAC and streamer. Speakers are Magnepan 1.7i’s. I added the Audio Mirror DAC and continued to use the Node 2i with an coax cable as ... | |
What makes a DAC so expensive? Those that don’t want to spend the money justify having not done so. Those that have spent the money justify having done so. And so the wheel turns, and turns, and turns. To me it comes down to what camp your ears tell you your in. I went from a B... | |
Best DAC for around $2,500 or less OP update, I ended up finding an upgrade Audio Mirror Tubadour III for a good deal and hooked that up last week. The difference between it and just running the Node 2i was substantial. The music is less "bright" and not as fatiguing and the real... | |
Threads worth reading! This is a regular poster who gets his kicks by actually "speaking his mind" with an alter ego. Grow up. | |
Best DAC for around $2,500 or less Thanks everyone for sharing their thoughts and recommendations. It's been an educational experience. I ended up buying an Audio Mirror Trubidor III used here on Audigon just now. For now, the Node 2i will be the streamer until I'm able to updat... | |
What should you hear? Thank you everyone. This information has saved a lot of angst and most likely a lot of money chasing after something that wasn't necessarily supposed to be present with all recordings. You read so much about the speakers disappearing and the de... | |
Vandersteen 1Ci , your experience? The size of your room and help make your decision. I recently purchased apair of 2ce II signatures and had them in a small room 10X12. They sounded good but was curious what they would sound like in a larger room so moved them downstairs into m... | |
Schiit Freya+(Plus) I've had a Freya+ driven by monoblock vidars for about a month now. Loving it. In researching the Freya I heard many reviewers commenting on how if you tap the top of the pre-amp you can hear it through your speakers. I do the same and can't he... | |
Unexpectedly low volume with Schiit Saga + Vidar I have a Freya + powered by monobloc Vidars. It doesn't come alive until the volume on the Freya is at about 1 oclock. I can't get it past 2 oclock without it becoming uncomfortable on the highs. | |
Node 2i use with external DAC I think I'll plan on investing in a higher end DAC knowing that I'll replace the Node2i with a better source in the future. It will be "good" for now but will slowly upgrade as I go along. This discussion has been extremely helpful. Thanks to a... | |
Node 2i use with external DAC Thank you everyone for the information. I like the idea of possibly upgrading to the TEAC rather than keeping the Node 2i and adding an external DAC such as the Yggy. Plus the fact that the Yggy is looking for balance in/out which the Node 2i does... |