
Discussions musicmannj has started

Are Plextor burners compatible with Macbook Pro?31964
How much better is Theta Cas 2 compared to Classe42764
OK to leave tube cd player on 24/7??27532
which cables with Faroudja Native Rate + Sharp900032023
anyone use line doubler w/Sharp xvz9000u projector31913
What to do when seller does not send item paid for477316
Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 too foward and bright?652418
i am getting a buzzing sound from my frontspeakers21673
speaker cable and interconnect different brands?38496
Placement of Revel Performa S30 surround speakers114164
difference between chang lightspeed MK1 and MK229572
split sub signal out of preamp to use 2 subs?35746
OK to place amp on top of subwoofer?1816711
Do ixos cables need burn in time?47092
Please help me tame the bass beast45999