
Responses from mt10425

Subs that keep pace w/ribbons & electrostatics?
REL's and Vandy's are very good suggestions. However, I would like to add the importance of connections to these subs. P/C's and I/C's will have much to do with how transparent, detailed and how controlled the sound is. 
New vs Used when buying please share thoughts
You know, some of us live in very rural areas and don't even have a real opportunity to buy new. I've been buying and selling used through audiogon for a while. You get to know what kind of people you're dealing with usually after an e-mail or two... 
Moving to UK, what to do?
Sell everything and buy Linn and Tannoy replacements. Just kidding. Thought I'd stir the pot a bit this morning. 
So I heard some B&W Signature 805s today...
Interesting experience. I find that midrange is the only strength that B&W speakers have aside from the other attributes you found. 
HT speaker system recomendations sub $1,500.00
Tannoy Mx (last years' model) or Mx-m (this years' model) series. If you have a bit of floorspace (small footprint) you could put Mx-4's as R/L and still be under the $1500.00 limit. I own this setup and power them w/a B&K receiver. 
what is best audio connection for dvd to receiver?
I'm not sure anyone answered the question. I'm not sure I can either. However, it appears different receivers process 2-channel/stereo differently. Out of my dvd player, I use one BEL-the wire as a digital coax connection. This sends the signal fo... 
Need good speaker cable for modest system.
Signal Cable is also inexpensive and a fairly safe choice. 
What is te absolute best way to hook up a sub?
Jon, it really depends on the sub. The stereo inputs on the amp of most subs are wired together just inside the box anyway, so only one cable w/o the Y-connector is needed. Some subs like mine (Art of Sound) and REL connect to both the LFE input a... 
Need budget recommendations to complete my HT.
Any of the Marantz "SR" series if you can find them. I had the SR-19. Upgraded to the B&K 307. 
Tom Waitts Where do I begin?
Except for the one "Burp", this group of Tom Waits fans deserve a round of applause for their suggestions. It just goes to show what a great artist he is. Very few other artists provide such diversity album to album and have so many people think e... 
Tom Waitts Where do I begin?
Oh Uppermidfi... are you still struggling to understand those Donna Summer lyrics? 
Tom Waitts Where do I begin?
Been a Tom Waits fan (in the truest sense) since the beginning. Taught school w/ one of Tom's best friends and sometime collaborator, saw him in concert 1st time about 25-30 years ago and been along for the ride ever since. The albums mentioneed a... 
Best Amps for Martin Logans????
You'll notice that the previous 3 posts all recommend something other than Krell. Funny thing is, many dealerships match ML and Krell in their showrooms. Don't know why. The strengths of ML are transparency and high frequencies. Krell's sound is a... 
What components are a good value in used market?
Not to support flippancy, but Driver basically correct. Buying on the used market becomes an art. Part of it is timing and part is research. Forums like this,, friends and exposure to various components all come into play. I live i... 
Speaker selection?
I use Tannoy Mx-4's for my R/L in a total Tannoy Mx suround system. Small footprint, terrific sound, well made and inexpensive.