
Responses from msom

Nordost QB8
Hi Camb, Thanks for more info, and sorry about the delay in replying- I'm getting ready to move (again). Tell that to my turntable and vinyl collection! Actually, connecting my QB8 to an Entreq Tellus shifted an emphasis on mid/high frequencies to... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Hi Camb, please check my reply to your QB8 thread. I hadn't been around here for awhile... 
Nordost QB8
Hi Camb,This is a topic I'm really interested in. I own a QB8 and four QV2s. Equipment used: TTable(Well Tempered Amadeus, DPS power supply), phono stage (Clearaudio Reference, early 00's), preamp (Pass Labs Aleph L II), amp (XTZ AP100).Best resul... 
Attach a grounding cable to CJ pre-amp
Or use the cable (should be Entreq's) with the outer earth of an unused rca connector on the preamp. 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Spirit, I live in the old Continent, not in the UK, but in a small coutry which holds the oldest, still ratified alliance in existance: Portugal. The Anglo-Portuguese alliance dates from 1373, making it even older than Lps!I'm based on vinyl repla... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Spirit,Your findings with balanced power are interesting. Using two Richard Gray 400 pro's in line with my system circuit has advantages but, unfortunately, also caveats. More on that later, I suppose. It's also interesting your mention of bass im... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Hi Spirit,The thing was born out of trial and error, really. I began with a Tellus, then moved on to two Minimus, for the speakers. However, that implied connecting the Minimus to the return post on the speaker, which indeed tampered with the sign... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
HI Spirit,Thanks for your reply. I'm been getting excellent results by minding each recording's absolute phase, to the extent of getting aquainted to Lps I've had for years but regarded as inoperative pressings. But I must go about this by switchi... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Hi Spirit,Long time since last. How are you these days? I moved house and have been adding up to my Entreq fleet (now two Minimus, a silver Minimus and two Tellus, sharing two Silver Erthas and two Copper Erthas). My system has been really enjoyab... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Sounds good Spirit, thanks! 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Spirit,I meant where you place the unit phisically, yes, as far as your system's electrical circuit is concerned: multiple wall sockets? Power strip outlets? Do you connect your equipment in any given order? I have experimented in the past with tw... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Spirit,I take your word for it. Plus your tt/arm set looks very interesting indeed.If you ever can find the time, can you detail how you actually placed the Westwick as far as your audio mains circuit is concerned? Thanks. 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Hi,Direct cart-phono stage cabling is a very nice touch. It does seem that you have no Ertha option for your tt/arm, unless you consider the metal area of both? But that would be grounding chassis and not signal. I make the distinction because my ... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
By the way, the Straingauges seem to be a truly unique design- just checked the site for the first time. 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Hi Spirit,Actually, I didn't get much of an improvement by connecting the phono amp (Clearaudio Reference) to the Entreq Tellus (or Entreq Minimus - I've got two of those). I got a great result by connecting the TURNTABLE ground to the Tellus. It'...