
Responses from mrjstark

a tube amplifier repair technician
From my original conversation with Bob about possibilities to improve the already superb Vandersteen Quatros , I concluded that Bob's confidence level with work that could or was necessary to bring these speakers to another level was pretty low. I... 
Raysonic CD228
Nope, but according to S.Monte of QFS and owner of NAT distribiution it is the best Raysonic yet......I mean it has to be - it is twice as expencive as their recently released top dog.I will surely have a listen in the very near future. It is said... 
AMR CD77 vs Ensemble Dirondo Drive/Dichrono Hi-DAC
I don't know about Ensemble Drive pairing with HQ DAC but AMR CD77 is one of the best Red Book reproductions that I have heard. Build like a tank and sound of the MUSIC..... yes music. No other word to describe its awsome quality of rendering CDs.... 
What is the story with Rega Appolo?
Used to own Apollo, no complaints. I wished that I kept it since I am building my second or more like 3th system and could use CDP with Rega's forgiving sound and musicality. I am not trying to defend it ......I couldn't care less what others reas... 
Wireless Speakers? Do they make such thing?
I believe those were Thiel monitors. Self powered , however power access is still a question of practicality. Sound was OK for wireless speakers. Good choice if you must take that road. But I am sure that there will be more of this or other techno... 
DC/ Preamps
New Great review of DODD preamp on 6moons. Check it out.My Dodd should be on my door steps by the end of next week.Then , I might write a little review about my findings.Can't wait...... 
Where are you today?
Hi Bill,I am in the position that is not even funny....I know.RWA is great and I would hate to let it go.I might try it with my Quatros and Dodd preamp but it might turn out to be a poor match as well....but if it is going to work, I will try my C... 
Where are you today?
I moved to tubes years ago and never looked back.However I believe the design is as good as its creator.I have heard excellent SS products as well as tube or digital.All designs have their strong and weak points, no question about it. Some, just d... 
What's most important synergy wise???
From my experience-Speakers>Amp then the best source you can afford with preamp that will notget in the way of music and that is also as transparent as possible but if it can add that special sparkle, magic......even better. Of course it has to... 
Best speaker for small room?
Omega Super Hemp, Usher Be, M&D new higher db. version, GMA monitors , Zu Tones. All in or just above your target mark.I am about to get new M&D minis for my second system powered with Red Wine Audio sig.30 amp. with volume control , Conso... 
Emerald Physics CS-2, Opinions Please
Underwood HiFi is the lone dealer as far as I know.This is a recent change and its reasons are unknown to me but few "ex" dealers might still have a demo pair on display. 
Clement Perry's new reference speaker
Not bad.Seems like being on the spotdoes wonders a good way. :)Keeping the flow and quality of your reviews is\will be more demending and difficulte. I wish you luck and success as a writer\reviewer andhope........that you will give your ... 
PrimaLuna Prologue 8 CD Player Sound
Actually (upscaleaudio)there were at least two that were sold for around $1500.I know becase the seller refuse my offer just to sell it for less two weeks later. The second piece went for auction and was sold by the same seller for about the same.... 
Opera Consonance Linear 2.2 or Raysonic 128?
Joe,I absolutly agree in your statment\recommendation regarding the differences between the 2.2ref and MKII.MKII sounds even more relaxed , engadged and at the end......more musical.CES demo in Red Wine Audio with horn loaded speakers(which but aw... 
The BEST system you've ever built !!!!
Hi Mechans,I agreeCybers 800 are awsome, and no need to spred the news......:)as long as you and i know what they really are , and how they sound.I am interested in some replacement tubes for my amps but cost is a big factor . I had a good tube so...