Responses from mred
VPI Scout Upgrade Path Help Seems like a better cart. would be the right move.I did some quick research and it seems you have a good Pre amp (with phono section} but your amp seems like the next weakest link. But given your ~$1M budget I think you'll see a better "return" on... | |
Upgrades for Scoutmaster, In order of improvement? Not questioning your opinion,just curious,name some of these better arms.Thanks. | |
Proac D38, Wilson Sophia II, Avalon Ascendant??? I know you were in a difficult position - having to extrapolate how the D38's would sound from your experience with the D15's(two steps down in the line) - but I worry ,for you, that you've jumped from a known and loved family sound to one very di... | |
A Little Technical Help with the VPI Strobe I too have found differences to be heard with different cords. I would try as many as you have access to. I doubt there would be any one best ;just different.I personally have used Omega Mikro,Virtual Dynamics Nite III and Absolute power cords.All... | |
faint precession of sound on vinyl It's called pre-echo. The signal engraved on the adjacent groove wall is actually "read" by the passing stylus;though at a greatly reduced amplitude.At least that's the way I've understood it. | |
best used VPI table? Can you be more specific on how the two sounds differed? | |
VPI rim drive new feet Sonofjim,What is this "softer drive belt" you refer to? | |
Advice on turntable rig I recently upgraded from a HW-19 MK. II 1/2 to a "just about" Super Scoutmaster..... but kept my Well Tempered arm.If your interested I'm looking for $400-500 for the old table. | |
The price ratio between table,arm, and cartridge Gregm,Although you surely jest I think you got it about right."Seriously, it's not bad". | |
VPI HW 19 - replacing springs with pucks or cones Wntrmute2,The "limbsaver" you refer to is that a product from the Sims Vibration Labs catalog? Which item? | |
VPI HW 19 - replacing springs with pucks or cones Can the rifle dampeners be just dropped in place on the 4 corners of the base of my HW-19 mkII? I just added a Superplatter and SAMA and VPI suggested the noodles but I'm having trouble finding the right size diameter noodle. If the rifle dampener... | |
Where are the full-function preamps? What about Audible Illusions? |