
Responses from mr_m

Suggestions short 3' tall floorstander?
Some of the smaller Legacy towers might fit the bill. 
Calling all Vandersteen Fans
helomech,Good choice! I've heard the most recent versions of the 2CE Sig II's, and they are definitely the best yet. Adding a Vandy sub (if you're so inclined) makes for a unbeatable combination. 
Black Ash.....
It's probably an easy way to finish a speaker for the DIY guys. 
Who can dance?
I can do the "floss" ;-) 
Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofers with M5-HP crossovers - help needed
gdnrbob,My Class D hybrid, is the Rogue Pharaoh. it has a 40k.input impedance, which is spot on. I talked to Richard V. about my amp and his biggest concern was if I had the proper pre in, power out connections. Which I have. His main concern for ... 
Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofers with M5-HP crossovers - help needed
I have a Integrated hybrid Class D amp using a 2Wq sub, (second sub coming shortly) with M5-HP crossovers, and the combination has been working flawlessly for over 2 years now. Richard V. isn't particularly fond of class D amps driving his speaker... 
What a sad world we now live in.......
+1000, uberwaltz 
Oppo 103 comparison with an Ayre Codex
whitestix,I have an extra pair of balanced Purist Audio Museaus interconnects (1 meter). If interested, PM me.:-) 
Oppo 103 comparison with an Ayre Codex
I was never a big fan of balanced ins/outs, but after connecting the Codex to the balanced inputs of my amp, this was a notable step up in SQ. 
Is there anyone out there who knows anything about Essence Speakers by Dale Pitcher?
Don't know a lot about them, but when I heard a pair, I liked them very much! 
Recommnedation for the BEST SOUNDING integrated amp up to $3500
Rogue Pharaoh. 
Music lover or audiophile?
I want to be honest. I would like to think of myself as a music lover first, but there have been times when I get a bit overly involved with the gear. Not an audiophile in the truest sense as I prefer 2 channel sound over multi channel surround or... 
Radio Paradise Free
On my system, RP doesn't sound as good as Tidal....IMO 
The RP-600M's seem to be a good choice. IMO> 
Recommnedation for the BEST SOUNDING integrated amp up to $3500
Another vote for Rogue.