
Responses from mr_m

Nagaoka MP-150 vs MP-200
Well Chakster, looks like you got "out opinioned."Advantage>NAGAOKA! 
Possibly Dumb Question re:Battery as a power supply
Great advice Jim. Battery vapors are very toxic. 
Advise for new speakers for my basement exercise room
Just about any speaker will sound like crap in a room like that with all the hard surfaces.You will have to treat that room. (hint) start with some carpet on the floor, if possible. 
Amethyst versus Nagaoka MP-150/MP-200
Either would be a good choice. 
Amethyst versus Nagaoka MP-150/MP-200
If all else fails, just get a Lyra Delos. Will end all your problems. Lol 
Amethyst versus Nagaoka MP-150/MP-200
Nagaoka MP-200.Boron cantilever has nice warmth and more detail than MP-110. Also killer bass response. 
My Experience With Tekton
Ask companies like Vandersteen and Legacy, to find out if 600 pairs of a specific loudspeaker is a lot in one year.You might be surprised MC. 
DAC That Punches Above Its Price Point
+2. Ayre Codex.You can find a nice used one for around $800. 
What comes after Harbeth 30.1s?
"What comes after Harbeth 30.1's"Um. 40.3's??? :-) 
Thoughts on moving from a 1200G to Sota Saphire or above
lewm,Thanks for your explanations. Wasn't my intent to second guess you as my electical expertise is very limited at best. I had a very bad ground hum problem with my TT awhile back, and found going from a cheap switching power supply to a linear ... 
Thoughts on moving from a 1200G to Sota Saphire or above
I should have made myself a bit more clear. The ground wires on the IC's are more or less used to reduce AC induced hum. As Chakster said shielding is important in helping reduce radio signals and other electrical noise pollutants from coming thro... 
Thoughts on moving from a 1200G to Sota Saphire or above
I have heard/read that a special phono IC with ground wires be used from turntable to phono stage due to the extremely small signal coming from the cartridge. I had used a conventional IC from the TT at first, and noticed a big improvement switchi... 
why do so many discussions turn contentious?
"Google is your friend"And many times that Google info can come from someone who heard it from someone in a Tweet...You question a opinion, yet you claim your facts and truths as absolute.Why is that??? 
Aren't you sorry you missed out on this one? It's already sold out! LOL
I believe Rega went a similar route a few years back with less than impressive results.Just another way for the TT company to make some extra bucks. :-) 
RME ADI-2 fs DAC: Not Loving It
Maybe try a R2R Dac to the RME, such as a Denefrips Ares ll. A reviewer compared it to the RME along with some other Dacs to the Ares ll, and he preferred it to RME. Take the reviewers opinion (and mine for that matter) with a grain of salt, as ju...