
Responses from mr_bill

Thiel Owners
......keep the input coming, I appreciate it! 
Thiel Owners
Thanks for your suggestion. Is the 2.7 a true Jim Thiel first order crossover CS series design? 
Thiel Owners
When it comes to true Jim Thiel designed models with first order slopes/coherent source CS models I imagine the 3.7 is the ‘best’ model or top of the heap. After the 3.7......what is most desirable?2.3 or 2.4?3.6?1.5 or 1.6?these are the most reas... 
Thiel Owners
@tomthiel  One Thiel speaker that has interested me is the CS1.7. Its really hard to find anything written on them other than specs. I know the 3.7 are really good (and really large).  The 2.7 is nice too and they are all from the same generation ... 
Paradigm Persona 9H - hard to drive !?
I heard the big Persona 9H with Anthem separates and it was one of the best sounds I've ever heard in high end. 
Recommnedation for the BEST SOUNDING integrated amp up to $3500
I second on the NAD M32. All you’ll ever need and affordable.  
Best integrated/power amplifier under $6000
I second the M32. I own one too. Read the Stereophile review.  
Thiel Owners
Hi all you Thiel owners,What are the best Thiel speakers to look for?I know 3.7 is at top of list but where does the 2.3, 2.4, 1.5, 1.6 or, 3.6, 6 models fall into line?Is a 2.4 better than a 2.3, 1.6 and 1.5?Average or medium sized room. Thanks, 
Best bookshelf speakers
@tinear123. what do you have in your main system? Do you like your new Kef ls50 wireless as much as your main system? 
Kinki EX M1 user comments
Maritime - for your comparisons did you use the Rotel integrated and cd combo vs the Kinki/Nuprime Dac/Nuprime cd transport?.....or did you use the Nuprime front end with both the Rotel and Kinki for your comparison? 
My daughter practing snare, bells this aft......
Duke, that was a real honest answer - thank you.  
My daughter practing snare, bells this aft......
I think if we are all being honest with ourselves, there is an immediacy and attack and clarity of live that systems just don’t quite capture. I think if some audiophiles actually heard some live instruments like this they’d complain that the soun... 
Preview: CODA Technologies new generation number#8 Stereo Amplifier
Link?....i can’t find anything on the web or their website on a #8 amp..., 
MoFi Ultradeck or Technics 1200GR
I wonder if the VPI Prime and the Prime Scout sound the same or have differences.  The Prime is a lot more money. 
MoFi Ultradeck or Technics 1200GR
Great feedback @avanti1960,  that’s the sound I like that you described as the Technics.  soundwatts - I would like to hear more, have you compared?