
Responses from mozartrules

Quad ESL or Soundlab?
I disagree with the sweet spot being narrow.I have just ordered a set of 2805 (Quad 63 owner in the past) which I will pick up next weekend. If you like Quads nothing else will compare, go ahead and let the music make you happy. I will be driving ... 
Life after Aerial 10Ts...
Given that you don't need to play that loud you could do with the 2805s and - given that they are black too - the smaller size means better WAF.Another option would be the Linkwitz Orion which has the same placement "issues" as the Quads (but your... 
Is Sony XA9000es superior to Esoteric DV 50s?
Stereophile specifically rates SACD players on the high-res performance (read the intro), so the ratings can be consistent with the Esoteric having the best CD playback.That said, I don't put much value in their ratings. Treat the list as a list o... 
Most Emotional Opera Melodies
A number of years ago at the Stereophile Show in NY Roger Sanders (Innersound) played his own recordings of amateur singers. An unknown woman was singing "O mio Babbino Caro" and that performance - on the Innersound Electrostatic - is still the gr... 
Amp or Integrated amp for Quad ESL-63's?
I had ELS-63s in the 90s (still miss them!) and really felt that they liked tubes a lot (a Beard P35 35W push-pull sounded better than the much more expensive SS amps I tried at the time). They may be slightly over your budget new (1100-1200 I thi... 
16 ohms speakers- 8 ohms output amp
The Hyperion HT-88 (18 watt KT-88 SEP) also have 16 ohms tap. See the 6moons review. 
College budget reveiver help
I have enjoyed a Denon 4800 that I bought used 3.5 years ago (my ex-wife has it now). You should be able to pick that up for a lot less than your budget and it is a pretty serious piece (the Stereophile review was also very good). The remote is no... 
difference between ipod models in sound quality ?
I have a 3rd generation 40Gb iPod and play classical music at 320kbs through Etymotic earphones. It is good enough for my commute, but it doesn't compete with playing a CD through my Sennheiser 600s.I am not sure I would ever want to connect it to... 
Opinion on what power route I should go...$3000
You could also look at the Grace 902m. It is more money than the Benchmark, but it does come with a remote.See John Mark's comments at Stereophile. 
Sonus Faber Sound?
I have Guarneris and they certainly are not dark sounding. They seem to be one of those rare speakers that sound detailed and warm at the same time. 
Causes of long term listening fatigue?
Quad Electrostatics have low listener fatigue and excel at giving lots of details at low levels. The 988 is out of your price range and the 57 may be too difficult to accomodate.But there seems to be a decent selection of 63s in the 1500-2000 rang...