

Responses from mountz

Incredible deal on incredible amp
I got an Asthetix amp for sale at half price and still no bites, best to wait till Oct! 
Best Tube Amp For Sonus Faber? Or Pass XA-100.5? $6-7,500 Budget, Purchasing Used.
I have an Audio Research VM-220 that I just got checked out and put new 6550 tubes (from AR!) that I will be listing shortly.  These monos powered my Sonus wonderfully, but with 12 tubes in each, the room can get warm.  Great sound though. - PM me... 
Would you go all 1 brand for electronics?
I had an all Nakamichi system back in the day.  Wow, how things change.  Now, I'm all separates, but would lust after an aesthetics stack.  Jim just has a tonality that is hard to find.  I also have an LSA integrated and speakers (Statement) that ... 
Looking for my first tube amplifier, help appreciated.
XLR give you more gain (loudness) but amplify any distortion.   A good pair of RCAs will give better soundstage and imaging.  I used to be an XLR lover (XLR are great when you have grounding issues) and now have switched to RCAs and love the holog... 
You can only take 5 albums to a deserted Island...
DID:Pink Floyd - dark sideroxy music - Avalonking crimpson - in the court of the miles davis - get up with itsteley dan - goldhere is your kicker:steve miler - the jokerThat's a good start 
Preamp for audio research ref110
While my aesthetics Callisto pre eclipse was in for service (7 months) I bought an LS16 modes by Steve Huntley of the great northern sound co.  It was the same price as a new ls17 that I was lusting over, but I took a chance.  I was amazed at how ... 
Too many cans with no storage!
Sennheiser makes a nice clam that goes on the edge of a shelf.  I have approximately a dozen cans and find it works well with all the various types that I have (Grado, Auduze, Berindynamic, AKG, Koss, etc) and they work well.  I found them adverti... 
treasure kt 88 vs vintage tung Sol 6550
That is called puffing, they can make any claim away from the the sale and then not have to support the information they provide.  Always audition or get other "real" audiogon opinions before.  I have learned this the hard way over the years! 
Getting Personal Property Insurance for your rig.
I have sold insurance for a number of years and there is great advice on this thread.  First, ask your agent to answer specific questions (let him read the policy and explain it to you in plain English, or better yet have him show you where it is ... 
Italy, Europe
I am quite versed with high end audio, but not on European specific equipment.  I live in the US but will be in Florence at the end of May if you would like to get together over a bottle of wine to discuss.Manrique 
San Jose, CA
I live in Campbell and would love to join a club of enthusiast in high end audio.  If anything comes of this, please do contact me 408410.5909.Perhaps we could carpool to the CAS in Burlingame later this year.Manrique 
Looking for the good sounding Pre Amplifier
In that price range, I would definitely audition the Ayre C-5xeMP and if you want to start in tube warmth, then the Conrad Johnson Classic 2 SE, make sure you try the SE version, a few hundred more, but well worth the money.  After you have heard ... 
Choosing a Good Phono Pre for a Rega RP-1 with a Denon DL-110.
Hey gang, I just picked up a Rega RP-10 with an RB2000 tone arm.  If anyone has a recommendation on Cartridges, I'm all ears.  All of your comments have really made this journey into analog enjoyable. 
CJ Classic 2 line stage pre-amp?
jafant:  I had a problem with the tubes.  Now it is in the shop with a remote and left channel problem.  It is tough when such an expensive piece of equipment has spent more time in the shop than at my house.  But that is the audio game!  I purcha... 
Choosing a Good Phono Pre for a Rega RP-1 with a Denon DL-110.
I just wanted to tell all of you how happy I was with your comments. I just purchased a ARC PH-6 listed here on AudiogoN and am waiting for delivery.  I spoke with an ARC tech yesterday that stated that the Denon DL-110 was in the sweet spot spot ...