
Responses from mordante

Direct Heated Triode Tube DAC by Allnic Audio Labs
@WisnonThank you for your advice. But a demo is not an option. As far as I am aware of. Lampi sold by Lampi website only. Also they are not for sale 2nd hand anywhere in Europe and I doubt I'll find one for about €1000. Since about €1000 would be ... 
CD player, audio out, discrete vs. op-amps..?
Charles,You missed my point, sorry if I wasn't clear enough. I agree with you that the very top end audio equipment is mostly utilizes discrete circuits.What I am trying to say is that op-amps have their place in audio. You have no idea what budge... 
CD player, audio out, discrete vs. op-amps..?
Op amps can sound great. There is really nothing wrong with them. If you want good sounding and relative affordable audio gear. Then op-amps work great.As example the RCM Sensor Prelude phono stage. According to a well respected audio design engin... 
Direct Heated Triode Tube DAC by Allnic Audio Labs
In the USA a BMW MSRP is $62.000. In the Netherlands it is €104.000.Most European made items are actually cheaper in the USA. The government is not always to blame. Often the manufactures have something to say as well.Not sure if the ECB is doing ... 
Direct Heated Triode Tube DAC by Allnic Audio Labs
Winson.The level 4 Lammpi costs 2950 Euro add 23% vat that is 3628.5 euro. Add to that say 50 euro shipping costs. So 3678.5 euro.3678.5 euro = about 4900 dollar. That is way more then what my car is worth.The only difference between the two Weiss... 
Direct Heated Triode Tube DAC by Allnic Audio Labs
@WinsonA level 4 Lampi costs €3540, the Schiit DAC with optial USB is €849. Should I really be surprised that the Lampi is better?The BIG 7 costs about €9000, the Meitner Audio MA-1 is €7000. So again a rather hefty price difference.A Weiss DAC2 i... 
Direct Heated Triode Tube DAC by Allnic Audio Labs
@WisnonIf it takes a DAC that costs more then an average car to let me hear how good a tube DAC is then I do not need one. I never said that DAC with tubes sound bad. I just do not understand why you would need tubes in a DAC.The best DACs I heard... 
Direct Heated Triode Tube DAC by Allnic Audio Labs
What is the purpose of tubes in DACs or any digital source?I am not anti-tube. I have heard great tube gear, Zanden/Octave/VTL/PrimaLuna and others. Also i have heard the AMR DAC and CD player, they all sounded goodHowever I remain skeptical about... 
A New Superstar Power Cord
To bad though that Tara Labs is totally unaffordable. Even their cheapest models cost more then most audio components. 
The End Of Big Iron?
I cannot see why people would ever need more then 250WPC. Most speakers do not require more then 50wpc continuously. Top power can by much much greater.The Passlabs XA series sound better then the X series even though the XA is less powerful. 
Usher Tiny Dancer 2 - opinion
Some time ago I reviewed the mini dancer 2. I was NOT impressed. The lacked a decent base output and the mids and high was nothing special.I compared them to a pair of Totem mani-2. The Totem speakers were superior in every aspect. 
Phono Stage, Cables, etc for VPI Scoutmaster II?
While I firmly "believe" that good power cords can be nice improvement. Do not use them for a turntable.Phono cable: Nordost Heimdall 2. Not overly expensive just a good phono cord.Phono pre amp: Roksan DXP SE or RCM Prelude. I own the RCM but reg... 
Tube amps demonstrated with totem element series
If possible you should take you amps to a Totem dealer and have hem set up a demo. See and listen. 
Mini-monitors $5,000 - $10,000
Of course this is personal. But one of the best looking monitor speakers would be the AMR LS-77, Raido C1/D1 and Magico Q1.However only you can decide what you like to hear and see. 
Wilson Sophia vs Usher Mini Dancer II
When I heard the Usher Mini Dancer II, I was NOT impressed. This was not the diamond model but the original model. I sound lifeless and boring. Maybe it has great measurements but I wouldn't buy it.Not sure how expensive they are where you live. B...