
Responses from mopsauce

What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Hip Hop is so expensive on vinyl. So it's Kendrick Lamar followed by lil Wayne on CD tonight.   
The Future of Hifi is just being Discovered
So my kiddo grabs a popsicle from the freezer, runs outside and sees his friends started playing soccer again. He sets the treat down and joins the fray. 20 minutes later Paco returns to a melted mess. He starts sobbing then askes, " hey daddy, is... 
Your sub experience: Easy or hard?
Easy. This system was easier the previous. Full range towers are way easier then standmounts. Just filling in the low low. I listen to lots of bass heavy music and the sub is a must. RTJ3 on vinyl as I write this. The sub disappears. Blends seamle... 
Looking for an integrated amp to replace my Cayin A-50T
This would do an amazing job driving your speakers.